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Shark attacks seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world, therefore, you might want to steer clear of the following known shark-infested waters. Statistically, these are among the most dangerous beaches for deadly shark attacks.
1. Pernambuco, Brazil
The shockingly high attack rate in these waters appears to be due to over-fishing. Without enough food supply, the sharks have begun to sample other forms of fare to satisfy their relentless hunger.
2. Second Beach, South Africa
The beach is popular among shark-seeking tourists and cage divers. Tour operators dump boatloads of bloody chum in the water order to entice the great whites. You definitely don’t want to surf or swim anywhere near these boats and their chum lines.
3. New Smyrna Beach, Florida
More than 238 shark attacks have been documented at Florida’s (surprisingly) popular New Smyrna Beach. In fact, 15% of worldwide shark bites have occurred here. Most of the bites are courtesy of baby bull sharks that favor these waters. To date, none of the recorded attacks here have been fatal.
4. Velzyland Beach, Hawaii
About 41 different shark species that frequent Hawaii’s waters including aggressive specimens like bull sharks and great whites. The last fatal shark attack at this beach occurred in 1994 when a tiger shark attacked a surfer. More recent attacks on surfers have been reported, but none fatal.
5. New South Wales, Australia
This region, which includes famous Bondi Beach, has recorded more than 170 unprovoked shark attacks and more than 50 fatal attacks, and great white shark encounters are more common here than in other parts of the world. Due to the position of the continental shelf, swimmers and surfers are in close proximity of deep waters where these potential predators cruise.
6. Fletcher Cove, California
Fletcher Cove may be picturesque, but it is also the scene of 142 unprovoked shark attacks, including some recent fatalities. Scientists are convinced that the fish-strewn waters in this region are ideal feeding grounds for large predators like the great white.
7. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
This island has had more than 10 attacks in a recent two-year period, three being fatal. This has prompted island officials to close the beaches to swimmers and surfers. Experts aren’t sure why the sharks are biting people with greater frequency.
8. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Since 2005, there have been more than fifty attacks. In fact, researchers have claimed that South Carolina’s waters are just as dangerous as Florida’s when comparing the swimmer-to-attack ratio. Their waters are attractive to species like tiger sharks and bull sharks.
9. Coffin Bay, Australia
The name says it all. Don’t swim here unless you fancy a meeting with a great white. Recently an abalone diver was attacked and killed by two great white sharks. His body was never recovered.
10. Surf Beach, California
A nineteen-year-old surfer was attacked and killed a few years ago by a great white shark believed to be 18 feet in length. The waters here are home to seals, which attract great whites in large numbers.
Reblogged 8 years ago from
there hasnt been a attack at bondi in 70 years i believe
Herp derp, Lets start with number 1 derp herp
Thx Man :)
i live in south africa close to biggest shark atraction in world.When swimming you can count at least 20 3m plus great white sharks in the surf
I saw a teeny tiny shark in Maryland (shockingly)
I used to want to go to Myrtle Beach. Suddenly I don't want to anymore.
Why I don't like the beach
They are not the most deadliest though.. You gotta meet humans! Clearing forests, polluting air and reply what else harm that humans can do :/
I live in New South Wales, in Wollongong and never seen a shark
2dhj4dH Wow what a cool and hot video. If you interest know more not wait….
I live in New Smyrna beach… and surf there almost every day. I've seen plenty of sharks but I've only had a hammerhead follow me while on a kayak.
I was once eaten alive by a 20' great white shark, and I don't blame the shark at all. I love those beautiful animals and, indeed, I am among the most proactive pro-shark people on the face of this earth. These beautiful animals deserve our respect and our protection.
Am so thankful to have always had a pool.
I have swam in the ocean in Florida
just take your ass to a public pool you're welcome
you think that the sharks are horrible but then again if you were a shark you would do the same thing to survive
There are certain sharks that swim in lake water buddy ( bull shark)
I going on holiday about 20 km south of second beach.
a Shark!!! sun over a bich!!!fuck sirt!!!
fuck Shark!!! fuck whale!!!!
Fletcher cove my name is fletcher
I've been bitten by a small sand shark and now I only swim in lakes.
see's the 2nd one Well im moving CYA GUYS
I'm going myrtle beach South Carolina next year I'm scared now
Your fatal shark attack stats on Hawaii are very wrong. The last two fatal attacks that happened in the U.S. we're from the tiger shark, and both were in Makena beach, Maui.
I swim in South Carolina and Florida beach