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100 Foot Wave Surfed At Mavericks On December 23, 2024

Surfing in all it’s configuration. From the great surf spots around the world, the well known and the unknown. Here you will find Body Surfers, Boogie Board Surfers, Wind Surfers and Surfboard Surfers.

Sound Tracks by Samuel Cernuto

On Amazon Music:

“Stackhouse Park” album:

“Stunt Canyon” album:

On Apple Music:

“Second Pass” album:

“Samuel Cernuto” album:

All of Samuel Cernuto Tracks:

On Soundcloud:

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Contact: [email protected]

Reblogged 2 months ago from


@PaulOReilly712 says:

10 story Building don't see it 5-6 story more like it when we see a surfer on a legit 100 foot ( top to bottom wave) we will see it and know it and tremble , also to be out in 100 foot surf and survive a 100 foot on the head not sure if anyone will come up with that scenario, May God help them make it back up "I pray!"
Laird Hamilton could do it i believe that after Kai lenny story of Laird and his mate out in possibly 100 foot surf riding 80-90 footers ( unfilmed) those 2 might just do the 100 foot top to Bottom some day? some swell "Go Laird!"

@Riley880 says:

what is up with that A.I generated back ground music

@nicholasnj3778 says:

Its probably 60 feet, why are they hyping it up, no way its 108

@Shaneomarz says:

That wave is barely 50 60 foot. But still pretty big for mavs

@martinbaldy says:

30 ft tops.

@smckay4996 says:

I don't care what any of ya's call it.. that's a BIG ass wave, that could easily cause bodily harm. JetSki teams.. thank you for your service!

@jamesmcminn2953 says:

Mark foo is still and will always be the King…. Not towed into the wave not strapped to his gunnn just man against the Creator. RIP in peace Island brother brother!

@thedude-jb7wx says:

oh jeez is this more non sense in the world we live in starting with a president that lies about his golf scores. Go watch the 90 foot waves in Portugal that look like mountains THIS IS NOT 108 FEET ENOUGH!!! iM SICK OF FELLOW GENX WANTING TO BRAG WHEN WERE OLD GEEZERS SO NO YOUR SON AND AMERICA DOESNT HOLD THE RECORD !!!! This is the exact problem of the tgimes we live in and non sense to make a buck and be bigger and better like buncha children.

@kevintodd2176 says:

Very big but not a hundred footer. I'd say maybe 70! Which is still great but Ive never heard of or seen Mavericks hit 100

@francoispluton2095 says:

C'est très beau

@MichaelODonovan-jk6uf says:

Big waves differ in why they are big. Wedge- refractory waves. Nazare – huge peaks from wave interference. Jaws and Mavericks – massive long period swells (when biggest). Ask the surfer: when riding, and you looked up, up, up at the lip, rate your fright factor.

@SetTheCurve says:

Did nobody record the beginning or what.

@Cobra13645 says:

😂 obviously he's being assisted

@xblur17 says:

60-70 foot confirmed

@user-xm1qn4th3f says:

Whether it was 6, 60 or 160 thay was an amzing ride

@jimrockford3662 says:

That ain’t a 100ft wave. No where near it. Wake up to yourself

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