11 Year Old Surfing Double-Overhead Waves | Gromheaven

Hugo Prins, 11 years old from Seignosse France was lucky enough to change his hooded 53 Rip Curl Flashbomb, his gloves and boots for a pair of boardshorts during a number of trips over the last 6 months. Searching perfect waves took him to some of the most beautiful places on our planet. The images were shot by Didier Piter Surfcoaching, Geni Larosa, photographer on the MV Addiction and Benjamin & Jean-Marc Boyer.

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Reblogged 3 years ago from www.youtube.com


LF_ Caleb says:

2:19 that’s not double over head that quadrupole over head

LF_ Caleb says:

All I’m gonna say is how

Nicolas Ruvalcaba says:

Ha!! the drummer chokes 3:40

Perky Pat says:

Is this in the Telos?

JR says:

Rn I'm surfing these size waves at kauai

R F says:

I'm 11 and I do that

dylan park says:

Damn that looks fun!!!

Hankdatank Real says:

I am 10 years old and I broke my leg today at ocean city NJ in a hurricane

Hayden Gantt says:

Can you teach me how to surf?im10

iiRonald says:

He surfs
I boggie Borad

M.Q. McCarthy says:

What board does he have?

Cooper says:

What surfboard does he use

Honkey Bear says:

Mini Beast!!

pepsi chicago says:

good job surfing 11 year old kid

JGCSRT says:

I get that the kids 11, but he’s got kind of a weird, stiff style.

Garden Grove says:

A little bit of slater and a little bit of John John, yep future world champ.🤔

weasle bronco says:

These kids are ripping it up , awesome.

Adam Dennis says:

But i will say, who was the 20 year old in the middle?

Adam Dennis says:

Insane, son! (With Expression)

Adam Dennis says:

Internet trolls are fooking w this. Da kid is rip city. This young blood looks at ass and says i can whoop that. Oh yea, then he does. Of course he fell and fucked up in the out-takes, but those are surely far better than juicebox-whats-his name-actually forget-about-it's names. Go boy!

TIM FDAY says:

Rip them waves up !! sweet as waves u got there.

Free Soul says:

Small waves barely 5/6 foot, I grew up on the beach with my buddies my age a dozen of us and we were riding waves that big and bigger waves at 8 years old, by the time we were 11 we were dropping in on actual double overhead 12-15 foot faces.


Astonishing movie!
Have a good evening 😀

Lolishit nn says:

I'm 11… Shit I can't even do that…

chrissybgood says:

2:18 Holy Shit Easy 15ft

CieloaltoA340 says:

This waves are so perfect and easy to surf !

Qyute says:



Bliss Monk says:

Really smooth style.


Epic! 🤙🏽

Hugo Prins says:

Thank you for sharing my video Xtreme. The waves were so good that it is thanks to the waves that it looks good!

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