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5 Large Waves VS Buildings

Why would they construct buildings so close to the ocean? Theses are five large waves VS Buildings.

Several segments are licensed under Creative Commons (CC)
USGS (CC), John Bennict (CC)

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@sgdeluxedoc says:

That's so cool having the surf come right up over your balcony. Long as you keep your doors closed, right?

@user-bp9of5xp7n says:

I like the videos but please stop the narrative

@supervidere7 says:

4 and 1 half big waves.

@amira3650 says:

Stupidity at its finest, issuing building permits

@patrickdoyle9369 says:

clip 3 why should they get there money back.. If you're stupid enough to sit there with waves that big right outside the window, you deserve all that you get coming to ya.

@tomtalker2000 says:

NEVER underestimate the power of water folks. It will get you every time. All you have to do is look at what the poor folks in Japan went through back in 2011 during the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. One of the waves that hit one of the village areas was 100ft no joke…!!!

@eljefe5651 says:

Very bad for the building

@TonyMontanaOG says:

You pay after the meal in America

@lpcookie1 says:

The foolish man built his house upon the sand😏

@archieg8009 says:

Why would you sit next to the window with waves that high??!

@mournblade1066 says:

at 0:45 What the actual fuck?!? Is someone slaughtering a goddam pig? What the hell is making that awful noise?

@khkhkhhkhkhk4238 says:

We take energy made from coal, with rocks removed with energy by people with machines, who have homes already. Then they build more home near the ocean, close enough to erode, then need more rocks… from energy. Where will they build next?

@khkhkhhkhkhk4238 says:

If the rocks could cry out ( wonder if this rock pile at 4:535:05 used to be the actual rocks blasted from BOONE W.V. Coal Strip Mountain blasting, ….. 15 tons of rock removed for each 1 ton of coal. BOONE W.Virginia. United States.

@MyMelinaaa says:

Location location location they said you'll make a lot of money on beach front property they said …smh

@wendigo53 says:

get their MONEY BACK!?

@andrewcowling5804 says:

Please note that your pronunciation of Ilfracombe is wrong. it pronounced IlfraaCoom

@wodemao853 says:

Класс! Спасибо!

@bestproducts7993 says:

Oceans ke beech la ke long place lo house lu kattali . Down place loki water poye place llo house కట్టకూడదు

@archanajha3040 says:

Oh Waves height is just like Tsunami s wave 🌊 Hite

@ericachristian4012 says:

There has to be a really good story behind the answer to everyone's questions here about "why do people build things like houses, foolishly so close to the oceans edge?!" I imagine first of all it's meant to make you question: the ultimate WHY!? Overall IT'S A GREAT VIDEO! Thanks so much for posting! These are some interesting shots. Very awesome to take in how much of the world I have not seen up close and personal. I love living on the East coast though. There's still so much to learn here, I haven't tried, I haven't traveled and seen! This is a great insight to the unknown. I love it!

@mandm.444 says:

Your list that you put on change the title cause all of them were not versus buildings at the end it was just cliffs second is kind of boring

@mray8519 says:

🐂💩 drama

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