Alo Slebir (Santa Cruz, California, USA) slides through the vortex of a potential World Record wave at Mavericks, off Half Moon Bay, California on December 23, 2024. He was towed into the wave by Luca Padua. Video by Blakeney Sanford (ski driver Bennett Williams. A contender in the 2024/25 Big Wave Challenge. Follow us at @bigwavechallenge to see who wins!
Reblogged 2 months ago from
That wave does not look anywhere near as big as peak waves from places like Nazaré, Jaws, and Waimea Bay. Honestly it looks like about a 50ft wave.
"Just paddling out into big surf is a total commitment. You can’t just call timeout and stroll on into the beach if you don’t like the way things are going."
"If you want the ultimate, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price."
If that video is the actual wave and question that’s nowhere near 100 foot wave. Look at the waves Lenny in those guys are serving in Nazaré and compare the size of the surfer to the wave. The waves and Nas are way way larger than that wave by comparison. gases, this wave will be measured at 70 or 80 feet
Why do we not have some standard "video calipers" available for this by now?
He made that look easy….
He's also an FBI agent.
Nowhere close to 100 ft… get your eyes checked.
I give way more respect to the paddle in guys than the tow in guys. He may have caught the biggest wave ever but the setup makes it so much easier and safer to catch these monster waves. Catching a 20-25 foot Hawaiian style at Waimea is way more difficult than these tow waves IMOH.
I wanna hear what it sounded like 🤯
A tow-in is not surfing a wave.
A most perfect ride, but I suspect his mom is doing the wave height estimate.
That is a massive and beautiful wave, but it's not even close to 108'. I'd guess ~50', which is pretty amazing for a wave with power like that.
Massive wave. Doesn't look 108 ft. But stellar ride and unreal
from this angle it looks small but from other videos of it looks gigantic
Are we blaming it on "climate change"? Probably why it's getting hyped.
How can it get any better than that? Wow
Massive legendary wave. But the eyeball test sure doesn’t say 100+. Angles matter tho. But still. Numerous ridden waves on film look as big or bigger.
When I go back and forth looking at Nazare and this wave it doesn’t appear to be 108’. However must be biggest wave skillfully and gracefully surfed at Mavericks.
the power of that wave must be incredible.
big ups to this legend. how do you even get on that surfboard when your balls are that gigantic! unreal
At the 0:06 second mark he is crouching down, which puts him roughly around 5ft tall. If you take his 5ft tall stance and continue to stack it from the trough of the wave to the crest of the wave it puts the wave height at roughly 70-80 feet. Still Gigantic, but not 100’
Second-hand gut churn just from the stills. What a monster. That's like an apartment building of water.
Very impressive!
WOW !!! Good job!! I'm impressed. Always wanted to be a surfer, but to old and afraid of sharks.
awesome but there is no way it's 100ft. Maybe 80ft.
that wave in nazare only looks bigger because its a straight A frame half of these kooks commenting wouldn't understand because they only come out when its 2-3 onshore summer mush