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Alo Slebir potential World Record at Mavericks – Big Wave Challenge 2025 Entry

Alo Slebir (Santa Cruz, California, USA) slides through the vortex of a potential World Record wave at Mavericks, off Half Moon Bay, California on December 23, 2024. He was towed into the wave by Luca Padua. Video by Blakeney Sanford (ski driver Bennett Williams. A contender in the 2024/25 Big Wave Challenge. Follow us at @bigwavechallenge to see who wins!

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@Miguel-j3m5p says:

This America first crap. You guys starting to look like N korea 2.0

@LeeYoung-r6l says:

Fantastic ride but nowhere near 100 feet

@thedude-jb7wx says:

not 100 foot wave though and you dont measure from the front of the wave sea floor. we gotta keep truth alive in an age where a man came along that brags like no other. All the sudden men that had a problem were like hey yeah its good to toot my own horn and be a blow hard. THE TRUTH TELL THE DANG TRUTH. Theres nothing to be gained by saying you are or did something youre not, You wanna brag and make up a storu about a world breaking wave so you can boast about america or wharever else silly men like to brag about then go ahead but if you measure from the back this is clearly not like the 100 fot waves in South America so knock it off

@richrocha3069 says:

Not sure but by scale that looks like a 60 foot wave ?

@stownballer15 says:

That doesn’t look as big as some of them Nazare waves but still insane 🤯

@TarBoysWorldWide says:

There is nothing playful looking here

@tomespinoza3021 says:

Massive wave and at the end it just dwindles to a bump in the ocean. Awesome ride!!

@barreldreamz7852 says:

Absolutely amazing but sorry that ain’t no 108 feet. And if they call that 108 feet then every Nazare wave is 130.

@letsssgooo4618 says:

The wave just keeps growing it’s insane.

@garethagar9338 says:

I’m going with 80ft

@kitnanaai says:

All hail the king. Take my hat off for this maverick.

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