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Andrew Cotton big wave accident surf Nazaré Portugal

Andrew Cotton break the back , praia do norte Nazaré Portugal big wave carnage, violent wipe-out

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Ronan Rogers says:

He's a shit surfer and should give it up

TheRebelOne says:

Saw this on SKY News app this morning about the 60foot back breaking wave. This is the equivalent of getting struck by Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry city……all six floors of it….scary berry!

james rudolph says:

and he has 2 little girls at home. give up the dangerous shit when you decide to make kids, or do dangerous shit and don't make kids.

Pipo g says:

Chiiiça a onda quebra em cima dele, faz ricochete ( rica merda) 10 metros no ar. Rip

Daniel Heller says:

holy f×÷king shhhhhit. that is so in credibly fucked up . when the wave breaks here dont be there or your gunna get drilled. 🐢 head .

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