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Today we got our own boat thanks to our new friend on the island! We tried everything from Surfing behind the boat to these crazy sub wings that you have to drag behind. Everything was awesome. Hawaii is so beautiful. I will truly miss it. Jacked my finger up good today as well. Its really purple today. lol Thanks for joining us today! We love you. Smile More.

Yesterday’s Vlog –


SNAPCHAT: RomanAtwood
SNAPCHAT: little_brittney

Smile More Store:
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Millersport OH 43046

This is my life as a Father of my sons Noah and Kane along with my girlfriend Brittney in Ohio. I’ve made pranks on YouTube since 2010 and vlogs since 2013.

I love you all! Roman soldiers baby!

Reblogged 8 years ago from


RomanAtwoodVlogs says:

thank you so much for joining me on this Hawaii trip and for always sharing these vids with your friends and family. You are amazing 🙂 See you Tomorrow.

Dan Fofonove says:

That must have been so fun !!!!

Rupert Franklin says:

Carl did pretty good for a first timer.

Callum O Mahony says:

Roman what is name on snapchat

Janusan Arulnesan says:

Pause at 10:24 ????

mark william says:

If he broke it then most likely it is just jammed.

emily ALLEN says:

I think you should call your girls zoe

caden coughlin says:

your perple rc boat was almost 500 dollars

Finn The Human :3 says:

why harold always throwing gang signs lol

Avery McFarland says:

Let's get 20M for Zeus

Brooke Dalton says:

At 10:24 you can see his plum crack

Aletta Ing says:

Did anyone else see the butt crack at 10:23 ?

Kaleigh U says:

What about the push ups???

AqUa Freeze says:

Video starts 0seconds

Claudin Badbadon says:

10:24 lol ???????

Xavier Rivera says:

I wish that Zeus has a wonderful life in heaven Zeus was Romans best freind so let's hit 12Million subscribers for Zeus and Roman

CJbassin says:

where is the broken bone

Fitbmx 365 says:

11:25 got me dead?? like if you agree

Derrick Robinson says:

Lets get 12m subscribers for zuse

Dylan Whiteley says:

Roman keeps on saying "back in the states" like does he know Hawaii is part of the states?

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