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Beginner surfboards perform like real shortboards Check out the Solution Model

This board makes learning to surf as easy as it could possibly get. Gone are the days when you would have to get a clunky old longboard to teach someone how to surf. All you really need is this board from Chemistry. They call it the Solution and I call it a miracle for beginner surfers. This board features a concave deck, which is smart; this allows the beginner to feel closer to the water and allow them to actually get closer to what it really feels like to ride waves that a more experienced surfer would ride. Let me explain, most beginners grab a longboard and try to stand up on what could only be described as trying to ride your front door in the lineup. For a beginner this makes no sense. They don’t really feel close to the wave or get the proper wave knowledge. You might as well be riding a Slip ‘n Slide because you’re not connecting to the water or the wave. The Solution, appropriately named, fixes this issue with their concave deck and thick forgiving rails. The thick rails get beginners into the wave, but the concave deck allows them to understand the wave by keeping them close to the wave with its dug out middle. It is pretty much the best of both worlds. This board should be on the top of everyone’s list when looking for a board to teach someone how to surf. I would order this board in a standard thruster; I think it could work great for beginners.

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Ashley Zequeida says:

i got 7'0 funboard with a shortboard shape and I want to move to a shortboard, whats your recomendation?

Zonlander says:

wankers, talk about the boards, not your bum hole experiences.

Andy Arroyo says:

how can I buy one

9nathan3 says:

why is the guy on the left fist asking what that "beast" is and along the video He is giving the info.. dafuq?!

powisbestBPC says:

Where can I buy??

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