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Best Surfing Ride Ever Recorded! 30 Sec – Cory Lopez surfing perfect wave!

Longest Tube Ride Ever Recorded! Cory Lopez surfing perfect wave he is in the tube for thirty seconds! Also includes some waves of Andy Irons (RIP).

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Lance South says:

is every body an expert..??

Static D21 says:

I guess those six people that disliked have never gotten barreled before.

Blake Fung says:

it was probably definitely the longest barrel of my life

barrelsauce says:

Too bad this wave no longer exists like this. Thank you needless development.

Dylan Katinszky says:

hahahahha he moved out of his apartment and moved into the barrel. SICK!

Sacred Light says:

search for skeleton bay! you'll see the worlds longest tubes which run over a 1.5 to 2km strech! Grant "twiggy" baker and Sean Payne are expamples of surfers who had longer waves at skeleton bay and posted their vid…

urbanphil0s0phy says:

This was not a 30 sec tube. Nowhere near it. I lost a bit of respect for Corey for trying to claim it. There is a very big difference between a head dip and a tube ride. In truth he was in and out of the tube. The longest actual ride was probably around 5 seconds.

Sharticle Accelerator says:

The longer he stayed in that barrel the wider my eyes were getting, that was marvelous.

jmc90213 says:

as a kid when I got tubed I always thought I was in it for at least a minute when really it was maybe a few seconds. anyway nice ride.

el Rod says:

Barra de la Cruz BItches !!!

Michael Korta says:

He's not from the inlet, he's from IRB

Kyle Charbonnet says:

let me know when these waves happen in the mortal world

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