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Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

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It’s been a winter of dangerously big swells, but this one took things to the next level. The surf world has been buzzing with news of mega-swells sprinting directly toward Nazaré. But this one shook the deep water buoys like none before. FOrecasters called for the day of the winter, maybe ever. A few pundits even dared to throw around the prospect of three-figure wave heights. Would the elusive 100-footer finally be ridden?

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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Masaharu Morimoto says:

Radical dude!!!! those wave look gnarly!

YouTube Fan says:

Omg! That was some big ass Tsunami ?. ?

Dima D says:

maniacs in action, impressive indeed

Joey Nice says:

I am going here. TO WATCH

vapin scoundrel says:

bet the drone footage is sick!

LezionGod says:

Anyone know the music?

Xx-Dylandu51-xX says:

C'est pas de la vague de tapette

spencer says:

How many of them died?

_theJonz_ says:

Wow, just wow !

Alejandro Lott says:

Jeez that's insane

Dede 230 says:

very radical extreme

Gan Fall S says:

Brazil representing

Dano says:

Is the song music from Beartooth?

JakeStanleyTravel says:

Red Bull videos are such an insiration for me!! I do short films of different travel experiences all over the world, i really try to entain people by my content and show them how beautiful this world is, if ur interested then please check me out :))

Stride Tide says:

wow that guy was riding the barrel getting pitted so pitted like that ////

Koi Nation says:

wow I'm earlier than a teen pregnancy

Phoenix says:

What happened to the 0:38 guys

Winstan says:

That is fucking terrifying.

Doppelxchromosom1 says:


Brit Bong says:

thought that said "big wave carnage from nazi!

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