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Big waves hit San Diego beaches

Forecasters warn of high surf and strong rip currents. MORE:

Reblogged 2 years ago from


Italos broken board says:

Aaaand cut to a kook riding a head high wave. Nailed the story

Liz Elizondo Go says:

San diego here we gooooo

icewolf1974 says:

San Diego beaches are the best part of living in San Diego; well that and the Mexcian food. Currently in the process of saving so I can move back to my hometown.

Antonia Joelle says:

It's a different time of year. You need to set goals and take bold steps to achieve them. Remember that success does not happen overnight. You just have to stop procrastinate and try what you have always wanted, improve your life and well-being, investment property will take you to your dreams.

stevenw373 says:

The dude getting crushed at 1:10 lol

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