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Biggest day in Mavericks history? December 23rd 2024 – Historic XXL swell

After chasing some Jaws swells and filming the Eddie. I found myself on a redeye to San Fransisco to chase the same swell that just hit Hawaii. Seeing this storm develop was unreal. Satellite showed giant seas in the middle of the pacific. This was a day I could not miss. The anticipation built the closer I got to arrival. I got there took a few hour nap as I was up for around 30 hours and headed to Mavericks. I knew it was going to start pumping around noon. The buoy readings were off the charts.

The fog had cleared as soon as I pulled into Half Moon Bay. Walked over to the cliff and began filming.

It was one of the more special days i’ve been apart of.

Talking with the guys after it was pretty clear that we had been apart of Mavericks history. With the consensus claiming “biggest ever”

Now that claim can get thrown around often while chasing swells. But this was legit.

Hope you enjoy ‘Mavs and the Devil’ as much as I enjoyed filming it.

Filmed by
Curt Myers @PowerlinesProductions
Pablo Garcia @ALOHA_PABLO
Kyle Hulse
Jamy Donaldson
Sachi Cunningham
Blakeney Sanford
Bennett Williams
Tucker Wooding
and Jack Sandler

Thank you to the Mavericks Rescue Team for all the hard work as well.
Photos by Frank Quirarte.

Reblogged 2 months ago from


@Scaleupfast says:

Best Mavs Video Ever! Incredible footage, music, drone angles and editing! Thank you

@mikaelasmith3544 says:

One with the Divine one

@Shane-dq9tm says:

0:41 Pete Mel still sending it after all these years is what we all need to strive for๐Ÿ™

@_christianbrock says:

Some pure magic captured right here ladies and gentlemen, job well done crew and Tucker Wooding!!!!!

@mrthunder8190 says:

The best part of this day? No one was seriously injured, or worse…Truly an amazing swell, incredible rides and one for the memories.

@woodybutler says:

Iโ€™ve never found such inspiring surf content since I watched Riding Giants whenโ€™s I was 6 years old.
Amazing work, and appreciate the heartfelt thank yous in the end.

@patrickreilly7256 says:

A tow-in is not surfing a wave ๐ŸŒŠ.

@TomOneil-l2t says:

this ainโ€™t the biggest not even close

@Trapper50cal says:

Is this basically the same swell/storm that accompanied the Eddie a few days ago?

@c5ster says:

omg. You guys did an awesome job filming and editing this. Thank you

@guslevy3506 says:

RIP Mark and Sion

@brotherahloy says:

Love to see the teamwork and coordination for the recovery of the surfer. Perfection.

@scottyfrognsock2396 says:

Is this at Pipeline?

@karync.6707 says:

OMG so beautiful i actually cried! Nothng beats being there, but this was FAB, down to the music! TY to EVERYONE involved!

@bruceleroy1683 says:

I was gonna go out but I brought the wrong kind of surfboard wax.

@cmhc1983 says:

Let us know then they paddle it

@MiatchGrip says:

speaking of the Eddie, may he rest in peace, this was such more a joy to watch than all those flatlanders who were invited to the Eddie who dont know what a shoulder is. These guys are pros and nailed just about every ride, even if they didnt, imo.

@springmontes says:

Really loved the editing style and having the credits not at the very end. It felt so natural.

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