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BIGGEST Surf I've EVER Seen at Pipeline (Massive Swell)

Of all the years I’ve been to Hawaii & visited the world famous Pipeline Ive never seen it this big. This is by far the biggest surf I’ve ever seen the inside beaches of Oahu hold. When we visited for super swell Saturday last year we witnessed massive surf on the outer reef, but this is a whole different story. The amount of power the ocean has is astounding & this video is just another reminded of how small we really are compared to mother nature. I hope you enjoy & thank you for all of the stoke & support! – Ben

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Clothes & Accessories:


Soft Top Surfboards:

CBD Aloha:

Fiberglass Surfboards:


Music in this VLOG:

Collapsing from Within

Max Anson

Bring Out the Dead

Won’t Be Long
South Pause



Be Strong

Adrenaline Push
Bonkers Beat Club

Sometimes I’m Happy
So Vea

Reblogged 3 years ago from


Jaime Glenn says:

Belga. – no maiming

Don Cunningham says:

The days when we face up to our most humbling challenges are usually the most rewarding.

Big Dub says:

Thanks for sharing the stoke BG! Totally diggin the vibe brah!!

Mel Shingleton says:

It was that big back in 78. We were surfing down the road at V land. Some topless joggers came by as we were getting in the water and told us we should head to pipe! I sat on the beach that day!

Michael Gollin says:

Ben gravy "this is scared as I've ever been. I may die. Pray for me. "
Jaime " this looks fun. Think I'll ride my soft top switch stance "

Brian Mcdonough says:

One of your coolest ๐Ÿ˜Ž videos. Real.

Jules Gaire says:

Jamie makes me think I could surf pipe, Ben reminds me I can't lmao

Eric Kane says:

Right on. When I was at my best, charged 10โ€™ pipeline once. That one time was the most scared I have ever been surfingโ€ฆ well almost. 10โ€™ Boneyards was absolutely the scariest! Okay, 10โ€™ pipe I just mentioned was second! My subconscious mind corrected me! ๐ŸŒŠโ˜ ๏ธ

Adam Smith says:

Gotta give it to you bro, most people would say that they would have done it but until you're in that position, I give you props

gee cee says:

Hats off to ya Mr G

Ken Ross says:

Awesome! More power to your elbow homie

Andrew Marshall says:

That place used to fire pretty rapidly in the 70s .

andrew k says:

wax that stick

Jake Farris says:

So stoked for Mr Gravy๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ

SAB says:

I did same thing years years ago during hurricane season in Florida but once I finally made it out I realized damn I gotta get back in lol and it seemed the waves just got bigger n bigger lol long story short I caught white water and headed in lol FOR THE DREAM YEEWWWW๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ

Trod96744 says:

Solid too see you in Hawaii.. Aloha ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฟ

ja po says:

Kudos to you Ben, gotta keep pushing yourself, love your humble approach and thanks for the genuine sharing

Danica Clowers says:

Your a great inspiration and I love you being so genuine love

ed fast says:

awesome video! 10 foot pipe means that the groundswell, unimpeded by current or reef and land formations is travelling through the ocean at 10 feet. That's what it means. When it breaks at pipe, the swell energy from the sides moves towards the peak because the rreef slows it down. As the water gets shallower, the water from in front of the wave pulls up into the wave.. A groundswell is 3 dimensional: the bottom and sides have nowhere to go but up and towards the peak. This is how a ten foot wave gets a 20 foot face. Ten feet is ten feet, not 20

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