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Biggest Tsunami Waves-Tsunami waves caught on tape (Largest TSUNAMI WAVES)

Top 10 Scariest & Biggest Tsunami waves that hit Japan – Tsunami wave hits Beach!!
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Reblogged 6 years ago from


Mrs. Sertorius Piggy says:

It's like boat u are coming with me

Morty Smith says:

Ah jeez, are all the videos filmed with snickers bars?


The video was really different from the thumbnails somebody's thirsty for viewers lol

Just Flip! says:

Wow just wow!

Billy Mays says:

When I was young I thought tsunamis were like 3 stories high crashing all the way into land.

Now I know they're just 5 feet tall waves just being pushed constantly to the shore, almost like a flash flood

Sweet Dogamer says:

when i was younger i thought tsunamis were like 700 ft tall

sufian sufi says:

Some of them laughing. Ignorance killed. You think this is a joke?

Awesome creator 07 says:

Omg thx for the warning

OG _Revise says:

Nasty ass camera

Putti Nagamalli says:

Very dangerous

Joanne Guce says:


All Downloads says:

Only joke and fake

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