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Biggest Wave Ever Ridden on a SKIMBOARD? #shorts


Malik Klinker says:

I was actually at nazare when Lucas fink rode his monster 60 footer so imma say no not the biggest one. Still sick tho

Andrey А. says:

ooooh, you sick bastard 🙌🔥🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼

Alex Crenshaw says:

skumboard kook

Al Ken says:

Not even, check out Brad Domke at Puerto Escondindo. He road his skimboard on a wave 4x that size.

J.I.C says:

Wedge is bigger but sweet ride none the less

jadoriffic says:

Domke at Puerto.

SouthVa Ron says:

I can't swear to it, but I've seen a skinny, long blonde-haired kid, ride quite a few there, around that size, at least. But maybe those just looked bigger, because the guy filming him, is always set up back next to the trash cans.

layne nadon says:

SiC Dude 🤘😎🤘

Surfing with Snakes says:

There’s no way that’s even the biggest wave skim boarded at the wedge

Lucas Mulvehill says:

Not even close, look a Domke’s stuff at puerto

Jo Blo says:

not even close

Mario Le’Rayous says:

No close to Domke’s but still impressive

ChrisCoral Ahola says:

Even for the wedge that is not close to the biggest wave ever skimmed.

Jay Clubben says:

Sick, but nah look up the wave in Puerto Escondido. Actually mindblowing like 30 foot wave


Probably not the biggest wave ever ridden on a Skimboard but nonetheless frickin awesome!!

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