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biggest wave ive ever seen at waimea bay!!!


Fro Diesel says:

Shut up, that’s like my worst nightmare-said someone doesn’t dream😮

Some Dudesdad says:

Holy crap! That was mental

Kurt Snyder says:

ski over. must have made it

Thomas Mint says:

Drama queen. You are easily impressed

Shailon Noelle says:

Man. Yall see that guy not make it over the lip and fall 40 feet with the lip. Insane

Les Couch says:

God that was like a tsunami , I hope everybody is safe .

Kevin Jones says:

Big scary 😮

Nin Po says:


Magnetmountain33 says:

Oh while I think of it Nathan someone had a go at me the other day for trying to use your name and accidentally using your brothers accused me of namedropping albeit ironic as I had …….

……as usual forgotten your name 😂

please don’t be offended ….

Long ago I once Forgot my own cousin‘s name in the middle of Sunday dinner😂😂😂

I wish I was joking being extremely distractible and having dyslexia can be a real pain sometimes

so really I guess what I’m asking is is it okay to refer to you via your correct name in future while talking about a subject you discussed on your Vlog or do I have to ask permission of people who rub shoulders with you at Jaws 😂

By the way so sorry about the back injury they are never straightforward make sure that you have your full range of Mobility back before you go near any severe drops That could crunch that disc again ……..

I’m still stuck in bed myself😢

Once again make sure you look after your back and your knees

Wishing you a speedy recovery
kind regards mace 👍😎

Donated Friendship says:


Randy Semroska says:

I saw big waves like that back 86 I think

Green Bunny in A Bongo says:

The Biggest waves I ever saw at Waimea was back in October 1907
43 of us went out but only 8 of us returned, but it was a ruddy good day! 🏄‍♂️

Rd2dab says:

I've seen it way bigger then that

Chip In says:

Super heavy ⛳

Ylana says:

The biggest waves I’ve seen at Waimea were in 1969! I was 15 at the time. The Waimea rock was completely covered and the waves were washing up on the highway above the rock! Incredible!

W W says:

Worst filming ever

scientist at work says:

Rolling in with the force of a friggin Tsunami!

D K says:

That’s fucked

Michael Angelos says:

Literally paddling for your life.

Steven Lindsey says:

It is insane to even think about being in that water.

Luis suertegaray says:


SK B says:

It gets to the point where I can’t even differentiate between still water big wave sky! It’s just chaos out there.

GiantAsteroid2024 says:

One day the writers of camera software will write it so the camera always shoots in landscape mode no matter how the device is positioned.

Portrait mode will be a thing of the past and so too will be missing key details & events because the operator couldn't be bothered to turn their damn phone sideways.

It’s June says:

You’re at the Eddie aren’t you?

Dwayna & Richard Gore says:

Bra no idea how dat ski made it over tht wave??

Rich The trash picker-upper says:

that guy must have been shiting bricks.. He punched through that way on the ski

Steven Krikke says:

One more thing. Hope the dude cannot hold his brearh.

Steven Krikke says:

That thing must have come from way out in the bering sea

Scott Sylvan Bell says:

Damn, I was at the 16 Eddie. Wish I could have been there yesterday

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