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Biggest Waves Ever Surfed In The History | Los Olas Más Grandes Jamás Surfeadas

The biggest waves of the world, the best surfer | Las olas más grandes, los mejores surfistas del planeta:

* Puerto Escondido (Mexico): 7 M. – 25 FT. | Mark Healey (2015)
* Waimea Bay (Hawaii): 10 M. – 33 FT. | Ramón Navarro (2009)
* Teahupoo (French Polynesia): 10 M. – 33 FT. | Manoa Drollet (2006)
* Mavericks (San Francisco): 12 M. – 40 FT. | Jay Moriarity (1994)
* Belharra (France): 18 M. – 60 FT. | Jamie Mitchell (2014)
* Jaws (Hawaii): 18 M. – 60 FT. | Mike Parsons (2003)
* Jaws (Hawaii): 19 M. – 63 FT. | Aaron Gold (2016)
* Cortes Bank (North Pacific Ocean): 23 M. – 77 FT. | Mike Parsons (2008)
* Nazaré (Portugal): 30 M. – 100 FT. | Garrett McNamara (2013)
* Nazaré (Portugal): 33 M. – 108 FT. | Benjamin Sanchis (2014)


Reblogged 8 years ago from


Phill d Dude says:

Great clip, keep it coming

LuxeXx says:

Live recording of "Them Bones" for the video is an interesting choice.

John Barroll says:

surfing is for idiots

Annette Lane says:

Oh my God, just terrifying.

AZ says:

i only missed Carlos Burle

Alexis Alescio says:

oh My God !!crazy crazy surfer!

bgwhalley says:

If you knew anything about surfing you'd know Nazare' is an optical illusion from the way it's filmed atop the cliff looking down which is why you never see it shot water level. The so-called 100ft+ Nazare' waves labeled in this video were really closer to 50ft which is still an amazing accomplishment. I guarantee the largest wave ever ridden is still Cortes Bank.

Cherie C says:

Mike Parsons 2003 was epic, but would love it if the cameraman kept the camera in him!

jocorocket says:

Great video….what shows are the PJ songs from?

Claudio Birnbaum says:

amazing! very good

Lars Bosman says:

According to my knowledge at least more than 10 surfers did more than 80ft/24m waves at Nazaré, so why is this so called top 10 not exclusive with Nazaré footage?

Mark Thomson says:

Awesome!!!—EQUAL PARTS bravery, skill and Insanity!!

Irineu says:


bomky awm says:

jai surfer une vague de 2 metre

DoctorHarlin89 says:

I was gonna say did benjamin survive lol why did the one at Teahupoo look so insane? And 100ft my ass…that was weak lol

Thomas Brummel says:

Clickbait much

Thomas Brummel says:

Nice fake thumbnail

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