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These guys dont care for no Tow in..they just go and do it for now the biggest waves paddle in!

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Stefan S1984 says:

OMG that first one!

Ryan The Rock says:

Irritating song for sure

Alberto Estrada says:

first part.. wtf. did i see him bail. just wondering. sorry. maybe he slipped.. ok he got just staight lifted. heavy. and respect. still stressin lookin

J Thompson says:

Why do you ruin it with crappy music?

Groove Duude says:

2:30 holy shit!

xzabath1 says:

And I felt good riding a local 8-10 footer on my boogie board.

Dave Pawson says:

I missed the paddling part.

Cowicide says:

Liked this much better after I turned off the shitty, repetitive "whoa ah whoah whoa" crap music and put on some good tunes.

Anarilda Angela says:

Cara, osso só pode ser: muito coragem ou muita vontade de morrer…
Que povo louco!!!!

Julianto Kurniawan says:

WOW my god…..

Tyler Durden says:

Saw some huge balls , a lot of skill, and some with not qualified to stand on a coffee table. Good mix

San Mcnellis says:

Music sucks. Changed channel; ubsubscribed.

Frisbieinstein says:

Those big bouncy boards, so hard to control in chop.

maurojr19851 says:

Did the first guy kill??

adrian rochow says:

whoa thats heavy shit

ostreds says:

how do they survive??? i get knocked over on 5 footers on LI

Island life says:

FOOOOO ! That's some jaw droppin' sh*t !

Design Slave says:

Wrong kind of music.

Epillon says:

I used to get nervous when waves were overhead, surfing in NJ as a kid. The amount of water and energy with these waves is so deadly.

George Baldwin says:

For some inexplicable reason, I instinctively am leaning in my chair looking at this. Weird instinct since I have not Boogied 20 foot North Shore in twenty years. My scags were primo and the board was not the first I owned at the time. Going through many body boards, i got a hold of excellent Morey Bodyboard back before 1980. Still to this day I sway with the surfers never a surfer.            ………………………………………………………  rewrite. ……………………… . . For some inexplicable reason, I 'instinctively' am leaning in my chair looking at (videos of surfing) this. Weird instinct since I have not Boogied 20 foot North Shore in thirty-twenty years. My scags were primo and the board was not the first I owned at the time. I had gone through six or more boogie boards. Going through many body boards, I got a hold of excellent Morey Bodyboard back before 1980. Still to this day I sway looking at videos of surfers, but was never a surfer.

Chris Wagner says:

Which wave is that first 30 seconds? What a monster.

Петреску Петросян says:

Идиотская музыка

Mehmet Güzel says:

A lot of maniacs become together to die.

Panda says:

I wonder what the  top speed is clocked at when they reach the bottom of the pit? I think, down hill skiing, they hit like 90mph or something?  The G-force has got to be heavy!Thxs

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