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Brutal Drop-ins 🤬🐍🔥 [Highlights 2024]

Trigger Warning: some are absolutely heinous… Surf Etiquette has left the chat… 💀

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@Akooks says:

Reminds me of swamis, Malibu and Rincon

@r__dbg says:

This is the worst thing about the sport. Ericeira is crazy, there are guys who surf there everyday and still have to go on all the waves, it's like they think they are more entitled to ride those waves than any other human being. Everyday theres more and more stupid and disrespectful people in the line ups of Portugal. People suck

@Nandox7 says:

Tramado quando apanham caldo por serem dropinados.

@mattiapedrani4471 says:

"I DiDnT sE3 Yü" 💀Haha dude the revenge burn at 1:461:52 is epic 🔥♻

@emisurfchannel2280 says:

Ho fatto 4 giorni a peniche! Ho fatto casino con le maree, entrando di mattina a baleal in low tide.. 😂. Lo.ho scoperto il giorno che dovevo andare via. Vado a vedere la sera lì era minicapo, dico mama mia vengo domani mattina come mi alzo.. mare tutto ritirato onda sparita,3 picchi clos. Pensando che doveva essere come qui alba figo. Cazz. Poi ho surf supertubos micro😅 😅

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