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Cardboard Surfboard Ernest’s Cardboard Chaos

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Ernest’s Cardboard Chaos.

Welcome to Cardboard Chaos! This is a new adventure for us at Signal. We’ve been itching to take our design and build ideas outside of the snowboard world and so it begins! We teamed up with our friends at Ernest Packaging (remember the Paper Snowboard ETT?) they’ve let us infiltrate their warehouse and use their design team to help us build whatever our little hearts desire. Our first episode we build a surfboard using a honeycomb paper as the blank. Harder than it looks it turns out. Let us know what you think and feel free to comment and throw some challenges our way.

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Weltkrieg Wolf says:

And they said paper can't get wet

David Cruz says:

its fantastic (Y) good job

James Donaldson says:

This should have been dunder mifflin

cartmanrlsusall says:

The sunshine coming through gives me the idea that a transparent board would be awesome maybe a lexan center section like a glassbottom boat?

Mr E says:

Why is it that recycling is encouraged BUT when it's reused or made into something else, it becomes Rediculously Expensive ???

cribcat 1 says:

don't use fiberglass

juan CB bomrad says:

It is the future

Sol Sol says:

A perfect way! Thanks to share <3

Mang' Art says:

Pretty cool

Will Blenkinsop says:

What type of cardboard do they use?

Hans X says:

i'd like they make a cardboard car 😄😄😆

lacuevadelvampiro says:

U guys should shelter the homeless with a portable cardboard home.

Marcos gomeS says:

Amazing!! Love it!!!
Please, share the Blueprint, so everyone in the world will make one of this!!! =D

Secr3t says:

Were can i buy one :O

Omar Garcia says:

What song is the one that starts at 2:20?

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