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Channel Surfing Kodi

The way I channel surf kodi. 24/7 movies and shows

Reblogged 7 years ago from


queenbubalicious says:

Exactly what I needed… Keep these original videos coming.

Tony Lyles says:

Happy New Year and Welcome back to YouTube.

techjunkie2010 says:

hmm, I've been sleeping on goodfellas. I had no idea they provided this feature. Thanks for sharing.

Christopher Snead says:

What program did u use to record on your box this video? Please help me….

admiral2145 says:

Try Mguide pro with gears… Live TV with channel scrolling

Mark Hinton says:

try the 24/7 section of bass fox. it really is the best for surfing

Evans Ross says:

nice good ideal thanks

Nice Man says:

good work ?, can you tell me what name your skin??

Karl Whatever says:

you on the new kodi now i just got it with a good build live tv is awsome and it has channel surf it is decent

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