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Chasing JELLO slabs and glassy WEIRD WAVES ! *Oddly Satisfying*

This is a few Jello slab waves and glassy weird waves I have filmed in 2021. For some reason these types of waves appeal to me most haha. Jello glass is rare to come by these days! I also included some river wave action with Blair Conklin scoring tube ride of the year with his mini surfboard (Doinker deck). Featured riders include Johnny Redmond, Tyler Stanaland, Dawson Sherman, Kai Thompson and more!

#jello #waves #oddlysatisfying

Reblogged 1 year ago from


Temporary Name says:

Where is this

Brandon Claypool says:

For the love of the ocean 馃寠馃挦 I also love the fact you include bodyboarding, surfing and skim boarding. I support the surfrider foundation..

饾槇饾槗饾槇饾槙 ulyanovych says:


Crossfire says:

That鈥檚 actually really cool

I L says:

where is this place i've seen it a lot of times but never knew the place. otherwise great video

Leo Mak says:

These are like 00000000000000000000000000000000.1% chance

Abdurrahman KLC says:


Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩s

Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩s

Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩s est谩s bien trabajando y c贸mo est谩s est谩s bien ac谩 trabajando y c贸mo est谩s est谩s bien ac谩 estamos trabajando en el trabajo reci茅n sal铆 de la escriban铆a y me voy a la escriban铆a con el antibi贸tico y diur茅tico

Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩s

Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩s

Giovani Vale says:

Hola me llamo dilan

Chocolate says:

Ich denk erst das es eine echte gro脽e Welle ist wie man es halt kennt

Lorena Serrato says:

Hola c贸mo est谩

Entertainment Feen says:

Dang bro water is uhh鈥aters kinda beautiful

Ruan Teles ferreira says:

Oh my god Tsunami Easy In the Tsunami

ryan rickelme says:


Bandit Egg says:

9:11 baby wave

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