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Concentrated Shark Repellent

“Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.” _ Franz Kafka Our Predator Deterrent scents are specifically designed to deter nature’s most successful predators. . We believe an effective predator deterrent is one that you only have to use once. Our predator deterrent is non-lethal but will use the sense of smell to strike overwhelming fear into the predator. Results are instant and can last up to 36 hours. Sharks can be a nuisance while scuba diving, fishing, spear fishing, kayaking and general ocean water activates. Our Shark Predator Deterrent scent will effectively scare even the most aggressive species of shark from your general area. Designed with the latest in scientific technologies. The Rut Grenade Shark Predator Deterrent systems has the potential to save lives and avoid would be shark attacks. Important Safety Information We encourage people to use Shark repellent when working in or enjoying the ocean to minimize the risk of Shark attacks, but Sharks can be dangerous and often unpredictable creatures. While extensive testing has been done and great care taken to develop and manufacture the Sharks repellent , it is impossible to guarantee that all Sharks will be deterred under all circumstances. Water based activities in the presence of sharks is inherently dangerous and is not recommended therefore we recommend that if a shark is sighted that the user leaves the water. We are in no way liable if you are hurt or killed by a Shark or misus or improper handling of the Shark repellent .

Product Features

  • Concentrated Shark Repellent . Repel Sharks while Scuba diving, Surfing, Fishing, Spearfishing, Kayaking and general ocean water activities. Rut Grenades Shark Repellent has the potential to save lives and avoid would be shark attacks. Avoid Shark contact and mistaken identity Easy attach on your Life Vest , Swimsuit or Scuba Gear. Drag it from your Kayak
  • Repel Sharks while Scuba diving, Surfing, Fishing, Spearfishing, Kayaking and general ocean water activities.
  • Avoid Shark contact and mistaken identity
  • Empty contents into area you want to repel sharks
  • Professional Grade / Laboratory / Industrial Grade

Reblogged 7 years ago from


SkySurfer says:

A product arriving on time and exactly as promised five big stars for this one!

Amazon Customer says:

Works like a charm This is a very easy five stars! First of all the product to write on time and as promised. Well that alone is always a good thing with a product you buy online the incredible thing about this specific product is it actually gives you a full vial of the pheromone. I have ordered a similar product from other vendors only to get a vial that was barely a quarter full. When this product arrived the vilal arrived completely full.. just great getting wet you’re seeing the picture as promised! Again…

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