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Creating A Tsunami In The Classroom


@user-sd7qt3hy8l says:

So the earth is flat?

@ArielLiu-nv6in says:

It's some patty's day

@Zairyyzo says:

Why is the water green

@JenniferDolan-up2vk says:

It's going to flood

@swahili2worldtv says:

How do we get out of TSUNAMI ? I mean to avoid the places.

@helmifajrin646 says:

Is tsunamis lab demo

@Ianrain685 says:

I minutes later.. the city is now a sea

@Flo_kit123 says:

Oh wow small 🌊!

@jacoanimationstudio-di7hi says:

my dumb ahh thought he was gonna snake the table

(This is rlly sick tho cuz you can see the water receding is a sign of a tsunami)

@RPrealmusicVEVO says:

what in the zoink verification

@LifeWithAmeliaMoore says:

I learned that in science off topic but most earth quakes happen by the movement of tectonic plates rubbing against each other creating the shaking feeling

@Itsurfroggurl says:

me in my bath going back and fourth to act like a tsunami is taking me away literally little me if i saw this so then tsunamis are fun! They are like baths πŸ˜€

@freddydelatorre1485 says:

Why couldn't you just say underwater earthquakes??🀦

@LazycatTarn says:

gd reference??????? also ill try to do that looks pretty fun as an experiment

@DragonProtector174 says:

Whose high school took them to the navy's wave pool. On a field trip.

@kieranlangley3092 says:

Wind doesn't cause waves…..

@ashlynrose9390 says:

I am NOT a flat earther, but I have heard this example as a reason people believe in flat earth. Can you elaborate with a spherical example? Does that kind of physical model somehow exist?

@Luna_Bell says:

man I wish I had this when I did a science project for tsunami's at a science fair

@venkatavaraprasad9819 says:

Explained in simple way

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