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Everyone was scared to surf it but him😳 #surf #epic #waves #surfing

Surfer @MattBromleySurf and more of the best pro surfers experience some of the biggest waves in their lives in ‘High Surf Warning’. Watch the full episode:

Reblogged 7 months ago from


@quamlekan173 says:

Yeah, something told you

@leegarthgarth8387 says:

Did he survive that?

@michaelangelos5117 says:

My friend did something like that and he cracked three ribs and his femur and a vertebrae in his back.
Somehow made it back in.

@Jah-Sad47 says:

TEAHUPOO 🌎👈🏻🇵🇫⚡️the best 👀🤫Tahiti

@Michael-vw6rg says:


@tonefaulcon9729 says:

So, everyone else was right 😂

@TrollMeister_ says:

How about mentioning Where The F this is ?

@perpetuallyahole says:


Took a screenshot, reverse image search, found his name, then after watching 30 minutes worth of his other huge wipeout videos I found it.

@user-sr2ev3ku3e says:

Não brique com a natureza

@AthenaGM says:


@WalkerNPeterson says:

He looked up and said: i could really use a fosters after this

@usiusd says:

Why not take a moment to identify the man talking?

@user-bh2lg2ik1i says:

Imagine breathing out everything and tumbled. Breath holds on exhale are killer intense. Apparently the Vagus nerve.

@incontruth4116 says:

Growing up my hometown breaks would get double overhead regularly and I almost died a couple times. People who haven’t experienced the power of the ocean can’t fully appreciate what these big wave riders do.

@RoundAndRoundWeGo says:

#Outsidewatch , Who edits your shorts? I'm not even gonna bother watching your other stuff because I think i will get shorted an ending

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