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Exploring Australia's Biggest City: Sydney | NO CONTEST OFF TOUR

If Australia is one of surfing’s greatest nations then Sydney might just be the world’s greatest surfing city. With four-million people sharing the world’s largest natural harbour and 50-miles of coastline, blessed with incredible waves year round, Sydney is a modern metropolis on the water, with a storied, gritty surfing underbelly.

From Isabel Letham famously riding waves with Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku at Freshwater Beach in 1915 through to a string of world champions including Tom Carroll, Mark Occhilupo and Layne Beachley, and on down the line to modern stars like Molly Picklum and Jarvis Earle, Sydney’s competitive bloodline runs deep. While the greater surfing community might know and toast the world champions, it is the hardcore local boardrider scene that is the DNA everything is built upon, and from Maroubra to Avoca and Newport to Bondi, host Ashton Goggans meets a cross-section of crusty locals, and explores the world class waves they live and breathe.

On the back of radical surfing Sydney was not only responsible for the surfboard revolutions of the Brookvale Six and the invention of Simon Anderson’s thruster, but spawned an irreverent and sardonic multi-million surf industry of its own. If that’s not enough, the good old Aussie cafe, complete with avocado toast, washed down with a flat white, has become a global phenomenon, and they were largely born of the beaches too.

None of this exists without the waves however, and from Cape Solander to North Narrabeen, Deadman’s to Voodoo and beyond, Sydney boasts world class surfing around every headland. Press play above and explore it for yourself. #nocontest #sydney #australia

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@Ernie161 says:

Sydney isn't Australia's biggest city.

@teighandoughty1573 says:

Im not sure if people are taking the piss or not in this comment section. Im sure they are but some seem legit happy to live in that shit hole lmao.

@bishnupoo3783 says:

waves fcking suck in sydney. dont come – a guy who grew up here

@Vassaga says:

Palm Beach – show's drone view of Manly?

@FunSk8chick says:

In Sydney right now trying to find the best surf, this was perfect timing!!

@rhystekely5622 says:

Interesting hearing the accent change as you got further south. The more working class it got the more ocker it sounded.

@UTube-gs1yf says:

As a Sydneysider; piss off, we're full. Don't come, and especially don't stay.

@hotndelicious says:

Sick clip! Sydney's not the cultural capital of Australia though. That title goes to Melbourne. No waves close to the city and temperamental weather, so they focus on the indoor sports 🎭🎨🎶

@doublestrokeroll says:

What? 20 years ago Bondi was hardly "desolate" lol. I remember it being crowded and trendy.

@samsonthesurfer4902 says:

I’m sorry the palm beach tape is avoca beach

@absentwithoutleave3164 says:

No mention of Layne Beachley… only 7x world champ, current chair of Surfing Australia, Manly local…and a woman

@ryanmiddleton327 says:

It’s not called ours! Those housos from maroubra who aren’t even locals came over and called it that. It’s called capes or cape solander

@tmertz3320 says:

Central Coast is not a Northern fringe of Sydney it is a regional area between Sydney and Newcastle

@hughlawson5399 says:

bodysurfers actually pioneered many sydney slabs

@Whitehorseandryder says:

In the very last shot, you can see a patch of grass.. well, before it was just a patch of grass, it used to be a '60s era house, and it was recently bought for $50mil. crazy

@nichobee says:

Best city for surfing in the world, by some distance

@mjor6406 says:

With all of these competitions and leagues in Australia, yet the Americans and Brazilians are still more creative surfers.

@inhardwarewetrust3057 says:

Lived in bondi for 6 months couldnt wait to get out of that hell hole 😂😂

@lukerips1 says:

Jarvis is our "great white hope" against the brazzo storm.

@onemiketheartist says:

Been living in Manly and working events in the city for the past two years.
Had epic times and waves.
Moving to NZ in December and can’t wait.
Will look back with good memories.
Grew up in Newcastle and also lived in Wollongong for a few years in between living in my van.

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