Yay, surfboard review time! This is the Firewire Baked Potato Review + Timbertek – a more performance tuned evolution of the Firewire Sweet Potato, the Firewire Baked Potato’s more tuned tip and tail, flat deck and lower rails allow you to do things that will surprise you in tiny, weak surf.
Full Review: http://bit.ly/FirewireBakedPotatoReview
As I learned, too, the Baked Potato can handle bigger, better waves with superior prowess to it’s predecessor.
If you’re looking for a tiny wave groveler to get you in the water and having fun on the tiniest, weakest of days, look no further than the Firewire Surfboards Baked Potato.
+ See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: http://bit.ly/FirewireBakedPotatoReview
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All the best,
Hi Benny, love your reviews.
I'm looking at getting the 6.0 40.2L Potatonator with a quad fin set up… waves in NZ are mushy, 2-4foot east coast and 3-10foot west. I'm 6.0 and 92kgs. Do you think this is the right board for my sizing? Do you have a review on the potatonator also? Thanks mate.
Hi Benny.. Love what your doing mate.. Your reviews are magic and although i'm a little lighter I ride the same volumes as you so it's really good to see reviews that are relevant to people in our situation as not all boards scale up well.. Trying to work out your forum too that 's another great idea.. I was hoping to get you personal to quizz you on Potatos.. I have a 5'10" Sweet that I have had years and also a 5'9" baked I have had years and love the ride more than the Sweet. I have now pulled the trigger on a 6'1" Chumlee so i'm wondering if I should look at just having one spud and if maybe that should be the 5'11" now it's really gonna be for the smaller end of the wave range. Would love your thoughts.. Did you ever wish you had gone 5'9" in the spud or really love the 5'11" They are one board that acarrying an extra bit of volume isn't a big deal. I usually ride 38-40 in a hybrid/shortboard and 42-45 or even a bit up in a groveller.. Cheers Benny… I have heaps of boards and ridden heaps too so would be happy to get involved in your forums.
Hey !! Like always really good feedbacks. I m riding the lost v3 rocket in 6'1, i know you love this board too and so do I but i feel like it can t perform too well on tiny mushy condition that we have in SYndey quite a lot. You reckon that it s worth buying a baked potato having the Lost. Will I really take advantage of it compared to the lost ?
Hey, Benny! I am basically the same size as you (height and weight) and was wondering what size wetsuit you normally wear?
I'm looking at buying this board with length of 5''5'. My height is 5''5'. Would that be a good fit?
I'm looking to get this board I'm 6ft 190 I was looking to get like a 5'7 or 5'5 ive been surfing for a while the waves where i am are usually small, can anyone help me out like what's a good size for me
This or the puddle jumper?
I'm getting the baked potato 5"1 and can you help me out with fins? I'm 5"9 115 lbs and they are futures fun boxes. Because of the wide tail I'm thinking quads but which ones?!
Hey Benny, great reviews. I'm in the market for a baked potato just unsure of the size. I'm 5'7" and 156 lbs (70.9k) and Ive been surfing for 2 years. I'm at the higher end of the beginner skill set and I currently ride a 6'x 19.87"x 2.37" and on small days(2'-3') im able to get a few rides in but not with out a lot of work. Last weekend I rented a sweet potato in a 5'2" and my wave count went up a bit and so did the quality of my rides. My problem is choosing between a 5'3" bp or a 5'5" bp. I want something I can get better and not something that feels like a yacht . Will that 2 inches and extra volume be that different?
Im curious, even though is seems like a small thing, your leash plug, ive noticed, it is a little to your right and not centred. I havent seen it on baked potatos before until i bought my baked spud today.
Any idea why this is so???
How much do you weigh and what are the dimensions on your baked?
Was looking forward to this review!
Thanks benny
can you make a review of a lsd surfboard??
Also, what do you think about the new Lost Short Round? I think you should pick it up!