Whether you love it or hate it, the era of the wave pool is very much upon us. Kelly Slater is holding events in his new-and-improved Lemoore facility, Wavegarden’s Cove design will soon be exported to various locations around the world, and the future of surfing looks like it’s bound to feature much more freshwater. At the moment, however, the best artificial wave that is currently open to the public sits on the outskirts of Austin, Texas at NLand Surf Park. We recently traveled to NLand with Hawaiian rippers Albee Layer and Torrey Meister to see just what Austin’s best (see: only) wave is capable of, and to investigate whether or not surfing can thrive in a landlocked community.
Music ‘I’m A Spaceman’ by The Fun Guns: https://soundcloud.com/funguns/im-a-spaceman
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Reblogged 7 years ago from www.youtube.com
No buoyancy, salt water is always better regarldess the condition, check those tails bogged. For this waves you'll need fatter tails.
That wave is complete shit compared to slaters wave pool.
Amazing video, shared: https://www.suptonicmag.com/sup-news/2017/10/freshwater-cowboys-at-nland-surf-park/
What a tremendous waste of resources for absolutely no good reason. Slater would be the first asswipe to spout off about the environment and how precious it is……. And this is what he DOES goes out and wastes how much water and destroys how much land so some land locked rich kids can "surf". This is not surfing, surfing is paddling out when it's set after set and your paddling as hard as you can and your getting nowhere and your getting worked. Surfing is learning ettiquet and earning a spot in a local lineup cause you grew up there, surfing is learning a spot so you know where to be positioned, learning to surf is knowing the weather and the tides and wind et et et. Kids this ain't surfing and you can't surf. It's a Disney ride for millennials.
How was the lifeguard at 1:26 and how can I have her save my life.
its a SUP/FoiL wave.
fresh from Waikiki, chee-huu
$100/HR is insane. Max I would pay is $20 for the day.
It doesn't worth pay U$100 for the current waves condition. I had one hour experience prior they shut down for repair Nov-2016, and the waves were bigger and with enough power to make a good ride, recover from some trick and keeping riding, at this point I was convinced it maybe worth go once a month for people that live close by, like me, living in Houston. But when they re-opened after repair period, I had 1-hour session last week and the waves were much smaller and mushy, totally worthless the $100 paid. Living in Houston I prefer monitoring Swell forecast at West Coast, get cheap Spirit air fare and spend $500 for entire weekend surfing at California. I hope they release some annual membership program that the reef waves can be ride for around $50 per around and change my current vision about the facility.
Biggest failure in the world. This place is a fraud. Unless you like the absolute shitiest and smallest wave possible. Plus $100/hr but you'll enjoy it if you're a fucking kook