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Gabriel Medina’s Insane Flip Scores Perfect 10 – Oi Rio Pro 2016

Gabriel Medina gets inverted above the lip of the wave and snags a perfect 10 in Round Two, Heat 4, of the Oi Rio Pro 2016.

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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Great zombie jesus says:

Oh aren't i just ace? medina show pony dick-no class or modesty

Antonio Martinez says:

what a grab , wouldn't want too dream about the board flying into my face…, maybe next time a better wave ?

greg rose says:

please don't put Medina in my suggested videos, and that was an 8 at best.

Wallyjbiscuit says:

its more of a tweaked reverse. gnarly tho

J Dos says:

Kelly you are the man 11 world wins good job ! Keep it up . Please visit my youtube subscribe and like videos. Thanks đŸ™‚

AmiGUNZ says:

Awesome Gabriel.

Scott woodrich says:

Look, we all pretty much know that Medina, is propably the most talented, explosive, well rounded, and exciting a surfer as the Kelly of old,- but give Flynn Novak some shouts for landing that bad boy (more than once) a decade ago, the FLYNNSTONE FLIP!!

Ideal TV says:

Medina surfing like nothing else matters, wild !

Rafael Gomes says:

just insane đŸ™‚
double backflip is coming, no doubt he do it!

Sergio Luiz Yamamura Melchior says:

Medina rules! The champ is back

Lily Southgate says:

Yeah Gabriel Medina !! YEWWW

MrTedMcForeHead says:

I know nothing about surfing, but if that's a 10 then l don't think l want to get to know anything about surfing, weak.

Chris B says:

Not a backflip. Kinda weak imho

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