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Giant Waves Crash Over Crowds at Hawaii Surf Event

‘Hold onto your kids’ — Crowds at the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational surfing event in Hawaii got more than they expected when a giant wave washed over them. Luckily, according to local media, no one was seriously injured — save for some wet clothes, perhaps. 🌊
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Reblogged 2 years ago from


Sean Callahan says:

Some people got nailed even behind the caution tape. Any visitors getting drilled on the ocean side had it coming. Imagine going to a state with the history of Hawaii, then to the most prestigious surf contest in the world, and NOT listening to the lifeguards. Eddie Aikau was a hero of mine while he was alive and of course, after he passed. Not listening to the lifeguards? That's not respecting the memory of Eddie Aikau. When he was alive, if he told people not to get too close and they did anyway, he let them take a little bit of a whupping before pulling them out.

1010AD says:

When they say The Eddie is on, only the brave or dumb stand to close

caelob anderson says:


graftergman says:

It never ceases to amaze the locals on how dumb and defiant some of these tourists are. And after being hospitalized, these same tourists end up suing the State for not posting enough hazard signs.

M K says:

Why are they standing past the railing. It’s their to add some more defensive from. Being swept out to sea

RelaxSleepLearn says:

Should retitle video to “several idiots…..”

Ludmila Mila Afeldt says:


TYCHO says:

I hope they lost everything in their bags and pockets. They were TOLD NOT TO GO OUT THERE HAHAHAHAHA Fumb Ducks.

Justin J says:

I got wiped out in this! I have footage

Jaden Sedeno says:

Sardines in a can

Chimera says:

Nothing good comes out where the masses gather

patrick mckermitt says:

Imagine giant waves from the Ocean. Duh!

Meast says:

Should fine all these morons for littering since they were warned to watch the event from higher grounds.

Sean Shimamoto says:

These people getting sucked out during the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational are just showing natural selection at work! They're just helping us improve the gene pool!

Jonathan says:

LIKE I SAID LMAO, never underestimate the ocean

Elastic Synapsis says:

Natural selection doing its thing 👍

Mariah Tofanelli says:

Of course the tourists aka Haoles are ones that don’t listen..haha

TheRenegadeStar ✓ says:

Natural selection…

Perspective says:

Never underestimate the ocean

iB cHEEL says:

Watching the lifeguards jump into action is amazing! Everyone is laughing and cheering and they are aware of the danger in this situation.

Camilla B says:

Idiots being idiots


Reminds me of Mavericks a few years back

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