Gigantic Wave: Justine Dupont @ Nazaré, Portugal – 2019.11.13 [Surf, Big Waves, 4K]

Has Justine Dupont just broken the record for biggest wave ever surfed by a woman?

A French surfer may have broken the record for riding the biggest wave ever surfed by a woman.

Justine Dupont took on a huge swell at Nazaré in Portugal on November 13th estimated to be bigger than 20 meters. The current world record was set by Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira in 2018, and stands at 68 feet (20.72 meters), making this new wave by Dupont a potential historic record.

French press (L’Equipe), advances with a new world record for this wave (, the official measurements will be posted in May 2020 during the WSL Big Wave Awards.

The wave was ridden during a giant swell in Nazaré, Portugal, a few photos went online and Justine has posted the gopro footage of the wave, but this new video shows the first angle of the monster wave. Pedro Miranda, the filmmaker responsible for the footage commented to Newsflare “This was for sure the bomb of the day, and one of the most impressive and critical rides I’ve ever watched in Nazaré, Justine was riding backside which makes it even more difficult and her ride was flawless, she rode the wave as deep and technical as it gets.” about the size and the possible record the filmer added: “I’ve captured Maya Gabeira’s record wave in 2018 and it’s difficult to call which one is bigger, it’s definitely a proper candidate to beat Maya’s record wave, but I prefer to avoid any speculation and let the WSL judges compare all angles, I’m really happy for Justine, she’s a warrior!”

Praia do Norte beach, near the fishing village of Nazaré, has become famous worldwide for huge waves in 2011, when Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara set a world-record for the largest wave ever surfed at 78-foot at the time, in 2017 that record was broken by Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa, setting the bar at 80-foot.

Copyright © 2019, Pedro Miranda, all rights reserved
Surfer: Justine Dupont (FR)
Location: Praia do Norte, Nazaré – Portugal
Date: 2019.Nov.13
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Andrew Cotton’s 2017 Wipeout of the Year:
Russell Bierke’s Wipeout on Nov 7th 2018:
The footage in this video is protected by copyright. To use or obtain a licence for the footage on this video for news articles, social networks, editorial pieces, TV broadcast or in a commercial player, please first contact me or my Agent’s Desk +44 (0) 8432 895 191:
@plmiranda on Instagram

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Greg Parker says:

Extra credit,too, for riding wave, so well, back-hand. Magnificent monster surf moment..

Loteta Cartel says:

Beautiful 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Justine Dupont says:

Thanks a lot for the great angle 🙏🏼 it is fun to compare it with the GoPro angle I put on my YT channel.
You are always here to capture the great moments 😉

L. Tallmadge says:

So incredible.

jeff richardson says:

Absolute monster there

Bud Jonos says:

Brutal quantos metros tinha a onda

Rui Carvalho says:

Imagens espectaculares! Continua a fazer estes videos!

buxtra says:

Amazing! Hang in there Justine and Pedro, obrigado!

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