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GoPro: Kama The Surfing Pig

You’ve seen surfing dogs. Now meet Kama. Kama and owner Kai Holt hit Sandy Beach for a surf session with the locals in Oahu.

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Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from ‪

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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Doctorpc Intelligence says:

Absolutely awesome!!!

MsBrutus64 says:

So sweet! these beautiful intelligent animals show people that they are more intelligent than dogs and cats. Sadly the people who haven't evolve think of them as "food" which is shameful and ignorant to say the least.

Tania Burgos says:


Hermit Meh says:

Still want bacon?

TheHorseGirl178 says:

This is the BEST thing i have EVER seen on youtube!!!

Emma Minuti says:

Which kind/ species of pig is this? It is not a normal pig s

civilwildman says:

That is one chill pig. ?

woon ko says:

he jumps off when he gets bored – says it all they have feelings, personality stop oppressing animals leave them alone

GTAdrop says:

So good best thing ive seen

ChapstickPremonitions says:

Have you heard about the pig?
A p-p-pig-pig-pig pig is the … word(?)…
Ooooh mau mau ma ma oo ma mau

MAGNU8 says:

Captain Goodvibes.

NathanC says:

What break is it?

marcus Zöllner says:


marcus Zöllner says:


Brandt McCall says:

All pigs are as sweet and smart as Kama go vegan for the love of animals and it is much healthier than eating meat. Many elite athletes are vegan as they perform better and they love animals too. ie. Serena Williams.

s0lipsis says:

not even his final form

stupidreligionz says:

i wonder whats his next evolution.

Kyle Collins says:

I bet the people that disliked the video are just jealous! Dude I'm jealous AF but I still liked the video haha!

Chris M.R. Santos says:

hes a javali or a sort of wild pig ?

Mr. sting ray says:

"oh he can swim? guarantee he can surf"

Sophisticated One says:

pigs are dirty animals they created to clean the earth .

Leafy ishere says:

I new I would be able to surf one day

Cw Studios says:

I want a pig so bad

Henri Lehti says:

imagine a shark eating that pig :DD

Syntox says:

I thought it said Karma, GoPro's new drone

Ranndo says:

Poor Pig?

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