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Hand shaping a surfboard from a blank


Wes Hardesky says:

Is that just regular styrofoam?

Vieupite says:

C'est le resultat qui compte c sur,,mais une mousse qui ne bouge pas c plus simple a travailler et c plus agrĂ©able đŸ˜‰

Gonçalo Gomes says:

love that Dusky on the background

Radu Blaga says:

Nice job man

Greg Webster says:

a bit unorthodox, but it came out well. it goes to show,that there's more than one way to skin a cat.

peeble b says:

dude this is sick, well done

CatyanTunes says:

Dude this is AMAZING

joseph arthur says:

i can watch this shit all day . Good stuff man.

Roberto Z says:

i oredered my board from my shaper and i just cant wait to have it! all i can do is watch shaaping vids and wonder on what part my board is ….God Job

andy short says:

What kind of sander is the first one you're using?

Juan Carlos says:

Didn't see you using a spoke for the stringer at any moment. I thought use it is a must in shaping.

maniwishiwasrich says:

Doesn't matter if you went over it with a magic wand or powertool or plane or sander when you have the feel for the equipment. everyone has a slightly different method of bulking then refining a blank..harry potter doesn't wank surfboards

Shirley smith says:

these guys make it look so easy but i suppose like most things the more you do things the better you get

David Toliver says:

How difficult is it to create a good board? Thinking about making my own

Aint1S says:

looks clean, good job! The length and how does it ride? It looks like a 6' -1"?

I don't need a tools list as I'm from a family of carpenters, but I'd found online that ordering one blank has shipping at nearly $200 dollars… does that even sound remotely accurate?

ross moore says:

+Adam Lane what planer depths did u use throughout shaping? thnx

Shpiderman989 says:

what kind of knife is that in the beginning? will any knife work?

johannes wandinger says:

where did you got those material
is it styrodur?

Tal Lotzof says:

Hi there. Can you please tell me what materials you used, in what order, and the exact product. (company, type, price, etc…) Thank you

Gregory enot says:

The board is wooden ?

Taylah Mckenzie says:

Where did you get the base from?

easymoney68 says:

Awesome!!! Where do you get the surf board blank?

Dombomb says:

Hand shaping is a dying passion and I want to carry it on, any advice on how to get out there

pbaylis1 says:

bit of a hack really

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