Hanz All-Season Mid-Calf Waterproof Socks Lg
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, Rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and Performance driven, use Rothco.
Product Features
- Quality tested and ensured for maximum durability
- Designed with only the toughest, roughest users in mind
- Comfort and Performance come hand in hand with Rothco

Reblogged 9 years ago from www.amazon.com
Outdoor Essentials These waterproof socks are amazing! I wear mine cycling during the autumn/fall, winter and spring – whenever getting cold feet would ruin a ride. They are no thicker than a chunky sock, and far warmer in damp conditions. I use these with normal cycling shoes, in conditions well below freezing, whilst my fellow riders switch to bulky winter boots, woollen socks and neoprene covers. They are also really useful if your shoes haven’t dried out from a previous day’s activity, or from the morning’s…
Amazing concept… 0