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Haydenshapes White Noiz Surfboard Review | Compare Surfboards

Craig Anderson’s new signature small wave performance shortboard, this is the Haydenshapes White Noiz Surfboard Review!


Not unlike the Haydenshapes Ando at first glance, the White Noiz has subtle design changes to boost it’s small (but not too small…) wave prowess.

At first, the Haydenshapes White Noiz and I did not get along. She felt too unstable but I discovered that the right surfboard fins are required to hit the sweet spot with this board.

Hope you enjoy this look at Craig ‘Ando’ Anderson’s latest signature model by Hayden Cox, the Haydenshapes White Noiz Surfboard Review!

All the best,


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All the best,

Reblogged 6 years ago from


יכין ינקלביץ says:

Vs the untiteld please????

Paul John Balderston says:

Rest in peace, Benny's Boardroom. You were loved.

Finlay Smith says:

Would love to see a DHD skeleton key

vince straka says:

Can you please do a review of the Pyzel Pyzalien in Firewire tech

Sam Wright says:

Please review the pyzel jjf slab 2.0

Patrick Carter says:

Can you review the dolly dagger by panda surfboards?

Matt Levy says:

Review the new skeleton key by dhd

Waxfoot says:

Hey Benny – we're going through a flat spell of epic proportions here on the Sunny coast… help a brother out and bring out some surfboard review content out, just to keep us sane?

Mark A says:

Where are you?? It's been 3 months!!

Riley Hinchcliffe says:

hey, would you be able to do a review on the rusty surfboard magic door.

michael koch says:

actually 100% agree with this review. after owning a 5.8 hypto and a 5.10 buzz i orded a custom 5.11 by 19.5 by 2.5 and the first few surfs were strange. the board was super fast but very twitchy and almost to responsive. you could oversurf the board easily and backside it would over rotate . after a week i changed to kinetic racing large fins from a medium fin and the board was so different. it held through turns and became much more reliable and controllable. because of the volume in the middle and the thick rails it really needs bigger fins. once you do that its a game changer in small surf. the tapering off in volume near the tail means it less chunky in the back end the buzz and not as flat…great board once you work out fin sizing

Kasper Cummings says:

Hi benny can you please do a review on the Stacey 'the grizzly' and the Stacey 'creature'
If you could that would be sick.
Thanks kasper

Shane Moriarty says:

Can you please do the ci twin fin

omer sirak says:

do a review of rusty's sweet tooth

Maynard Lim says:

more reviews from craig!! show some surfing of the boards like craig does or noel salas.

vince straka says:

Hey Benny, I know it's been around for a bit but can you do a review on the firewire cornice

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