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High Performance Big Wave Surfing Session – Kai Lenny

The limits of Big Wave Surfing are just being scratched, this is only the beginning. Snowboard inspired riding is the future!

Filmed by:
Slater Neborsky
Tucker Wooding

Edited by:
Jame Mackenzie

Reblogged 2 years ago from


Carlos San martin says:

Magia! Verdadera , gracias por esos MOMENTAZOS.Uffffff

Hans Freaks says:

Esse sacaninha é foda. Um monstrinho nessas ondas. Gosto de ver o surf dele, suas investidas nas ondas, suas rasgadas, como fossem umas lascadas nessas ondas enormes, são monstruosas. Imagino a sensação desse moleque.

Snappers LTF says:

@4:16 loose yourself to the rip-snort

Soulful Wapechi says:

This guy is a monster. 🌊🤯🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾

peregrinfalcon1 says:

Why isn’t Kai at 1,000,000? His content and editing beats many that came before him.

Andy Murday says:

Awesome edit

Gloria Villar says:

Kai, this is one of the best video for long..Love to see you always! Thaks for sharing dude. Great work!

Shasha Azri says:

Kai is amazing but the cinematography and skill to film and edit this is absolutely insane probs to them as well

Darrylizer1 says:

That was some of the purest baddassery I've ever seen. Kai you can read waves like no other.

Nicolas Cliche says:

Beautiful, thanks for sharing it this way 🙏

Randy Spotts says:

Another great edit. Definitely some ripping action. I think it's time for Nat Geo to do a follow-up article on Peahi.

Fabrice Rodrigues says:

The new generation of surfing is shown in this video : doing cut-backs, bottom-turns and aerials in giant-Poseidon waves as if the wave was 10 times smaller like at Hossegor ! Laird Hamilton can be proud to give the hand to the upper-level of surfing. You surf as if you were in the X-Games ! When I am in a huge wave I just go straight and pray to survive from it and be fed with unreal memories that I need to feel powerfully alive and to feed my spirit. I don't even think about cut-backing nor flying in a 360 !

M. D. Grimes says:


Den Wing Foil Racer says:

My heart stopped beating and I forgot how to breath for almost 4 minutes while I was watching this epic masterpiece

Monica Campbell says:

BRILLIANT surfing captured in SENSATIONAL footage!!! 🌊💙💥 Aerials at Pe'ahi – the speed of the waves and mass of the water – so incredibly CRAZY AWESOME! Thank you for dazzling us, Mr. Lenny. Stay safe out there. 🙏❤️‍🔥

Jamey says:

So lame…. is everything else that tries to compare.

Josh Hromin says:

Surfing jaws like it’s lowers. So sick

Carl Halvorsen says:

I've surfed from the mid 1960s and am in awe of the way you surf these huge waves. Poetry in motion.

Silverado Scott says:

Legend with no fear.

Pete Rench says:

Most humans would get killed on these waves and Kai is just out there droppin 360s on 'em. Incredible

SUP richie says:

Miss those SUP days in Waiks

Chris Irlinger says:

yepa baba sail 😉

J J says:

best surfing footage lately marvelous !

AyoMaxx says:

You're one of the only guys that messes around on big ass waves

Pineapple Surf says:

Kai Lenny, Have you ever thought about surfing in Cortez Bank? You are really great big wave surfer

Gee Em says:

How I’m earth is that board so steady at such speed ..? Astonishing 👌💕

goyim says:

Bow before the King boys!

karts21 says:

Such an incredible and humble elite athlete!!

Rodney Smart says:

Someone call a doctor, because he's k*lling it out there.

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