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How to choose the right size surfboard – “The Big 3”

The largest surfboard selection in the world! We ship worldwide daily:

Trip Forman runs through our formula for selecting the right size surfboard.

The Big 3 is:
1. Design
2. Volume
3. Dimensions

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


Sana Thifa says:

HI Am 193 lbs 6.2 as a beginner what I should go for thx

may tran says:

Hello, I am looking to transition to a smaller board. I been riding for one year and I currently have an 8'0 fun shape/soft top (epoxy bottom) which have been really fun and great for me to master my pop ups/turning/going down the line. I am looking for a shorter board that I could take out to bigger surf (the 8'0 gets bulky on steeper waves) and could help me get out during winter days as well. I was wondering if you guys can give me some pointers ? Much appreciated.

loxeexol Gamer says:

That is Great i'm really love surfboard D:fish V:medlle Di: 5'11 i think i think it's good for me So Thank you so much ^^ i wish to meet you

Samjt 525 says:

Hi I have been surfing for about 3 years. 2 years on a 7 foot foamie and 1 year on a 6'8 epoxy board with 40 litres. I'm confident in surf from about 2 foot to 6 feet going down the line on unbroken waves and doing basic turns. I'm 15 yrs old, 5'9/10 and expecting to reach maybe to get to about 6ft. I weigh 65kg right now and and pretty fit. I was thinking of getting a new board soon and want to progress to shorter more performance boards. Do you have any recommendations.

Back2BackBassin says:

Hey I'm 4'11 85 pounds what would anyone recommend as a good board? Thanks for any suggestions

julian gonzalez says:

I'm about 5'7 140-145lbs and I went surfing for the first time on my friends 8 foot foam board and I was able to catch a lot of waves and it was pretty easy on I have a history with snowboarding and skate boarding so I think that helped but I am looking to get my own surfboard now and was thinking of getting the same foam board but I'm worried I will get bored of it

nobe FTW says:

Hey, im a beginner in surfing but im doing river surfing and also i surf in the ocean i was wondering what board should i buy. Im looking for a everyday board that i can ride pretty much everywhere. I like feeling the wave and moving around in it. Im 5'11 and weight around 135lbs what should i buy thanks.:)

Teresa Alexander says:

Hello I just went to Mexico and learned a lil bit of surfing on a longboard it was amazing so now I'm hooked . I want to know that board is the best for me and my husband Im 5'1 and weight about 125-130lbs he is about 180 lbs and about 5'7 we just want it surf small waves . Thank you

KristoferChris says:

Hey guys, great video! I'm a beginner looking to buy my first board. I'm 6'4 and 170 lbs. Just looking to get comfortable surfing in general and catch smaller waves at first. Any suggestions?

google user says:

I am 5'7" 3/4 and 130lb male and would like a all around board. what would you recommend
would like a short and long board as well.

Дмитрий Скороходов says:

Hi ! Awesome video, you explain very simple, I like it. I have a question – I am beginner, 5,9 height , 172 lb , I have some experience with longboards, for me already kind of easy to catch waves with longboards and I wanna try myself with shorter. I am going to buy shortboard or kind of fun board. I am try some of them – I am definitely dont like narrow boards and boards with very low volume. Which one will be the best for me?

GreenMachineGaming says:

I know this video was made about 3 years ago. But I am 6'3 200 lbs…. and have been an avid snow boarder, but living in the cape I haven't been able to board in the summer. So I want to take up surfing. The waves here at nauset beach and coast guard beach can be between 3 to 8 feet. So I was wondering what dimensions should I be looking for in a board? Thank you

Ahamed Rizan says:

Pls send me an on line link to buy a 8 feet board in UK.thanks

Dave Donahue says:

Great info. Hey I'm an older guy at 53 but used to surf with some guys back in the eighties in San Diego who were pretty well known in the surf world. Back then I rode a 5'10" thruster at about 170 lbs. I also used to compete but that was 30 years ago! Now I have been out a few times but at 250 I know I need a bigger board to ride and I'm in NC where the waves are much smaller. What type of board would you suggest as a fun board to get back in the water. Also are soft boards a good alternative? Thanks and great video.

Agrosie Bud says:

Hey im 12 years old 5'3 almost 5'4 and i have a short al meric 5'8 tall is that tight

atlas92 says:

Hey I'm looking to buy a decent shortboard or hybrid for medium/small waves(surfing on the jersey shore). Haven't surfed in a few years but expect to be able pick myself back up fairly quickly. In good shape at 153lbs and 5'10. What dimensions or board would you recommend? Plan to try and surf weekly this summer.

Artem Kalenchuk says:

im sure you'll build it yourself. I made it 2 weeks ago thanks to woodprix website.

Alek Martell says:

Hey I'm 6'2 175 pounds. I have a nice amount of experience with surfing but now I'm looking for a good performance shortboard and was wondering if you have any good recommendations and size I should go for. And awesome video

Renato Pequeno says:

HI i'm close to 5'11" weight around 165 pounds, was looking forward on buying a 6'4" fish hybrid board, am i on the right track? Thanks! im checking out the shop for more info.

Christopher Wozny says:

Hey dude, great vid, thanks!
I'm looking for a shortboard for generally mushy, but often steep, fast, waste/chest high, short period, NY surf. I'm intermediate and looking to advance, have more control, quicker turns, eventually some aerials. I'm 6'1" ~140. Any help would be great thanks!!!

Berk Gokce says:

hi I'm 5'11, 150 pounds and I'm 14, I've never surfed before what kind of board should I get?

MrWinman24 says:

Hey! I'm 17 and I'm 74kg, I'm looking for my 2nd board and hoping to get a high performance board… any suggestions?

mada7122 says:

Hi. I am 5'10'' and 235lbs. Bit of a beginner to surfing I've been trying to learn on a 6'6'' board but it doesnt feel as though it has enough flotation or stability for me. Most surf size is between 2-4 foot. Do you think I should get a 7'0'' or even a 7'4''?

Christina Grace says:

Hey, I'm 12 and I'm getting my 2nd board. I'm 145cm tall and 33kg, looking for a high performance surfboard? When dimensions should I get? Please help :))

Isaac Tooman says:

hi im 4'8"and 83 pounds and never surfed before. Any suggestions on what surfboard i should buy?

Swine 99 says:

I'm 5.5 and 119 lb what size should I get

Eduardo Segura says:

Hi! , I'm 23 years old , 5'74'' and 167 lbs, I'm a beginner/intermediate level and normally surf from 1 to 6 ft waves in Costa Rica. What would you recommend me as my daily primary board?

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