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If You See Square Waves In The Ocean Get Out Of The Water Immediately

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Reblogged 3 years ago from


Kurt Kaster says:

How do you know to get out of the water if the pattern hasn't formed yet???

One thing a lot of countries DO know about the ocean, it makes a fantastic toilet.

Sting_Gaming says:

so what will happen to you if you swim in the square waves? care to explained?

Speak Life says:

Ok did I miss something? They never said what would happen

Craig Duncan says:

We call it “la merde de manger devour”
Roughly translates as the waves that make you eat poop/s**t

Иван Налбантов says:

u told nothing

Trump took the vaccine says:

It’s dangerous because it dangerously dangerous

Mr Dee says:

Um… this isn't the only place in the world it happens.. due to wind currents, this happens on lakes and ponds. Any body of wager really.

Mike says:

If you came expecting a detailed explanation you're gonna have a bad time.

Leuris Adiel Martinez Sanchez says:

How do you expect us to get out the ocean if we are far from land

Dan Archer says:

There’s 4 minutes I’ll never get back. TL:dr You’ll never see square waves in the water except in one exact location where literally everyone knows about the square waves.

Brandon Laird says:

It has occurred at San Louis pass in Galveston Texas.

Chadwick Borawski says:

In my version(old download, not sure if it makes a difference) of Google Earth, i scanned up n down the beach, and alil bit off shore, and actually found some square looking waves. Kinda shocked me tbh.

Edmary L. says:

If you see Square waves go home, you are drunk.

The Dolphin says:

A great video for 3 year olds to learn all the necessary clichés about The Sea they will need in later life. Clicked away at 50 seconds because of the infantile narration.

Matt Brighton says:

Make sure and avoid these waves. We won’t tell you why, but you know…just stay away because of danger (which we also won’t tell you). Totally going there.

Alessandro Aranda says:

Guys here's a life changing advise:if u open the door and see your neighbor walking get out IMEDATLY

Sebastian Case says:

yo! this guy puts the tater in commentator 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

Robert Delafuente says:

Mother Nature?
What a creation our father god made 👏🏽❤️

roscki siik says:

There whas squere waves in Kalix, Storön

Thomas Fritz says:

Never even explain why those waves are so fucking dangerous this guy is an idiot

VandelayH says:

"These waves, which are water, create waves that you will not believe! On this island there is a beach, and people on the beach. People are humans, and if you're a human, you can go for a swim in the water. But before you think of swimming, hold it right there, because I have news for you…"

Zombieman says:

Battleship IRL

Sterling Simmons Arts says:

If you see square waves it means the matrix is malfunctioning, and they are repairing the ocean wave simulation system.


Sure if I see a square around me I'll just take off like a bird..

SJ says:

Ah yes, I forgot about the song Riptide, thank you for reminding me 🙂

Alo Knight says:

It looks so creepy!

Levi Slay 63 says:

Omg this videos about rip currents 🤦🏼‍♂️

Bob Goodman says:

waves arent square

Luckuss says:

This was kind of a quick just bullshitted video. He repeats the same facts the whole time. Plus, it’s a phenomenon that only happens in one specific sea and for a very specific reason. He makes it seem like such a big deal even though you’ll never experience it unless you go there and even then you still might not.

Viper Racing says:

So it only happens in one place on the entire planet, and it almost never happens there either, yet we should make sure to warn everyone about it? 🤷‍♂️

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