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Ireland's Biggest Swell of the Season

On Sunday, December 12th, 2021, the North Atlantic went into overdrive — sending an XXL swell to Ireland and an ominous shot across the bow of impending winter lunacy. Now, reflecting on the nonstop XL-to-XXXL Winter of 2021-22, the Mullaghmore event stands its ground as one of the most glorious sessions in a season branded with glory sessions.

🎥: Clem McInerney (@clemmcinerney)

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Peter Kurg says:

That was awesome – wow! You guys on the jetskis ROCK!!!

Rob Ashton says:

These lads are feckin mental! You wouldn't catch me out there, I'm not mad enough! Or anywhere near good enough at surfing. Respect.

godisbollocks says:

Ollie O'Flaherty. Most Irish name ever
Like a satirical made-up Irish name by an imposter trying to pass as an Irishman.

Bushbuddy Platypus says:

Do these surfers know no fear?

helimax says:

Go on shambles , Charging

C.O. wens says:

Good going to my distant Irish brothers

eeskeeverit says:

I dont know what to say, i think i saw brodie at makapu, so i guess i should say something. I keep running into big wave surfers, relevant because the best kept secret since ireland is nov 16, 1996, big island.

Loren Luyendyk says:

Its like Teaheapoo but heavier and freezing cold

Luca de Leoes says:

Celtic Curfers

Si says:

Why do you lot throw the devil sign? 🤘🏻🤟🏻🤔 ANSWER ME

Tweety Bird says:

True wave warriors…nice to see the fellas "bring it" 🤙

David Hutchison says:

Group of solid humble gents riding bombs. Very impressive.

Bob Holliston says:

I'll stick with surfing the monsters at Waikiki on a 12' rentaboard with NO wetsuit.

Nick ski says:

tow in doesn't count

ciaran mcmahon says:

Sick waves, well done !

Daniel Erasmus says:

What in the actual fook🤯 Ireland kooking up monsters for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Much respect from SA🇿🇦

D B says:

this wave so so much gnarlier than any big wave

S C says:

This wave is way much better than the portuguese one

Neptune's Gold says:

Best shape big wave on earth after teahopoo and cloud break.

DSC 777 says:

yeah that is a monster wave ,and is there a big wave stop a contest there ???🤙aloha !!!!

Michael Harris says:

Hard core left hand grinder, awsome wave 👍


best thing about these videos is everytime theres a big wave somewhere theres now a boog on each one!

Atort Aerials says:

Wave is no joke….another level wave of the world for sure! 🍀🌊🤙🏾

Daniel Brennan says:

Those are some heavy waves for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

musicismagic says:

I know pipe is the most dangerous- but here and maverick’s…. 👍🤙

craig oday says:

IrisH boys charging YeoooooW . . . . StoKed for the grommet WhaT a WaVe 🌊

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