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Jack Robinson, Big Wave World Tour, John John, Surf News February 2014

Epic Surf News February 2014

Thank you for joining Pro Surf Blog for this Epic Surf News Update.

In the first week of February Pro Surf Blog brought some surfing photos, videos, and information from La Jolla, California, so visit our Facebook page and check out some of the pics and videos related to that content.

On February 10th, 2014 Billabong welcomed Jack Robinson to their Team. Jack Robinson is 16-years old and was surfing Pipeline when he was 12-years old. Look out for this kid.
Jack Robinson Photos: Billabong

On 2/12/2014, Good Ole Dave Prodan on the ASP Broadcast update announced the Women’s WCT event at Maui for 2014. The event will take place at the world-famous Honolua Bay from November 24 through December 6, 2014.

Waking up on On February 13th, 2014 ASP Announces BWWT Schedule for 2014/2015 Season. The Big Wave World Tour was founded by big wave legend Gary Linden in 2009 and will be governed by ASP, going forward.

Southern Hemisphere (April 15, 2014 through August 31, 2014):
– Punta de Lobos, Chile
– Pico Alto, Peru
– Dungeons, South Africa

Northern Hemisphere (October 15, 2014 to February 28, 2015):
– Todos Santos, Mexico
– Punta Galea, Basque Country Spain
– Pe’ahi (Jaws), Maui HI

Big Wave Photo: Courtesy BWWT

Then on 2/20/2014 ASP Announces a Title Sponsorship with Samsung for the entire World Tour Season. So we should recognize Samsung for their interest and support. It sounds like this may enhance digital coverage and media operations. Not much detail about this may formalize or change how ASP works with independent media outlets during events. Keep your eyes out for related news. This news was followed by with an announcement declaring the reunion of ASP and Getty Images. Getty images will once again be managing a majority of images that will ultimately be available, for fee-based use, to business and media organizations. The announcements didn’t stop at that point though. ASP announced that GoPro will Sponsor the “2014 Samsung ASP World Tour Series”. GoPro is a natural fit for surfing and will provide one extra angle for surfing coverage.

Kelly Slater Photo: GoPro

Back to Surfing Contest News, Days later ASP announced that JBay, South Africa will replace the Bali event (other sources claim it will replace supertubos, Portugal) as one of the 2014 World Championship Events.


ASP 2014 World Surfing Awards were also held in February.
Move of the Year: John John Florence & Tyler Wright

We wrapped up our month by sharing a picture of Julian Wilson’s quiver. Living the Dream!

Recorded by Philip Dominguez
Hosted by Philip Dominguez
Music by Nick Garcia / Funky Farm
Song Title: Smokin Hot Mama

ASP Broadcast Fri 2/10/2014, 2/12/2014, 2/20/2014
JBay Photo: ASP/SCHOLTZ 2014
Maui Photo: ASP/SCHOLTZ 2014
Jack Robinson Photo: Billabong Broadcast 2014
John John Florence image and video by Philip Dominguez 2013
Big Wave Photo: Courtesy BWWT 2014 February 2014
Tropical Reef Video Footage by Philip Dominguez 2014

Produced by Trade Federation, Inc.
copyright all rights reserved 2014

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