Jordy Smith vs. Filipe Toledo – FINAL – Hurley Pro at Trestles 2017

Jordy Smith faces off against Filipe Toledo in the Final Heat at the 2017 Hurley Pro at Trestles. #WSL

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Scott Horban says:

The speed Fleedo generates is just unreal. He gets speed off his bottom turns , before his rail even engages.

Jetty Local says:

I also want to say that that floater when you did the tap dance that was Mason Ho's favorite little floater he came up with that move so let's give him some credit

Rad-Dad says:

Jordy should have stayed busy like Felipe. He waited, lost tempo, muscles got cold. Felipe surfed a brilliant heat.

Rui Albu says:

Nobody beats Toledo on micro waves

Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski says:

Filipe inventou o "Floater Saci Pererê" : html://
Filipe invented the "Saci Pererê Floater"! 2017, the year of Filipe!

sensi please says:

something about him, i just really don't like…but hats off he full on deserved it, great surfer

julio cesar says:

Brazil is the country of surfing.

Bruno Leal says:

Toledo surfa bonito

Victor Hugo says:

Quais foram as notas do Filipe?

45revolut1on says:

Dane reynolds is better

dds008 says:

I feel like Filipe calls up all his friends and family to come to the Hurleypro, so they can all over exaggerate his score by screaming like maniacs after every wave he rides. On the other end, Jordy's wave with a score of 9 was more of a 7.8. Felipe won it fair and square, but Jordy just got the short end of the stick/bad luck with terrible waves that weren't viable enough to fully unleash his talent on. Jordy is a better all-around surfer. Filipe kills the small waves, but he'll probably have a tough time at Pipemasters and also the European leg of the tour if it's big.

Brian Kayes says:

When you try and overscore the guy you're trying to hand the title to to let him win but he still ends up losing the final

mat by says:

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I think we need new political theory is needed like green socialism but we don't need the revenge on the rich, its not necessary politics can benefit everyone higher wages and social security net will expand the economy worker's buying power, business sales profits and jobs. The conception that environmentalism is bad for big-business needs to be challenged. Pro environment policy for example can be argued is good for big business; healthier people with cleaner air and water will be more productive workers, live longer therefore consume more. Cleaner air and water will also increase population capacity allowing for larger population/ consumers,.

Also please support organic material and natural organic plant based dyes in clothing.

AGATH0R says:

Jordys wave was like a 7.5 at best and trust me im not biased they were pushin for a jordy win those bastards, luckily it was meant to b so it happnd.

jc s says:

I love the Brazilian excitement !!!!! Full of life !!!! Keep it up guys !!!!!!

lestliness says:

Que the judge bashing.

Igor Macedo says:

I'm a jordy fan, but this 9 wave is just a 7.5-8 points.

guitarsurfer2010 says:

No good waves in the semi with John, OR in the final with Jordy.
It makes the whole contest a joke when the final is held in insufficient waves for Florence or Smith to showcase.
The weak weird waves in both heats gave advantage to the Brasillian Jumping Bean.
I don't care for the jumping in the air, it is so Un-Dora , it is grovelling .

Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta says:

FT Fashionable fun "Moonwalk" floater

indiosession says:

WOW! Serve him a milkshake and lick his nuts! Never was really a fan of this pomous dude from Brazil… But God fuckin damn! That was modern surfing at it's best. ! I can't fathom why everyone here on the comment board never genuinely accepted and appreciated the fact the Toledo just dumped shit on Jordy…Again Wow! Great Work!

van wray says:

Smith shouldn't have received a nine for that wave. Toledo exposed the WSL's biased judging by surfing circles around Smith. Toledo is not the most likable sort, but you can't compromise excellence, and that's what those judges tried to do by inflating the likable pro's wave. I really have disdain for subjective evaluations in professional sports and careers. Ice skating is another sport that comes to mind. I tell my kids to find a career whereby you don't have to be at the mercy of some evaluator's ulterior motive. I am not a fan of Toledo, but I can't deny him kudos from coming back to the top after a suspension.

Clayton Brown says:

They tried to get racist Trumkkk style and fuck Toledo with that bullshit 9 for Jordy but it didn't work ya racists! Congrats little brown man!

King David says:

Wow! The judges tried so hard to give that one to Jordy, but justice was served!
Way to go Felipe!

Rafael Corrêa says:

Even with this "9.0" ("a nine?", oh "OK") Jordy didn't even get close. Filipe smashed him

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