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JS Surfboards HYFI (vs. PU) Blak Box 2 Surfboard Review | Compare Surfboards

The JS Surfboards Blak Box 2 round tail was a magical all rounder for me…but let’s take a deep dive into the JS Surfboards HYFI surfboard construction! How does JS’ HYFI alternate surfboard construction perform and how does it feel while surfing compared to the standard construction JS BB2?

Get Benny’s Seconds Excellent Ex-Demo Surfboards at Benny’s Boardroom:

Stronger, lighter, faster is the JS Surfboard motto for HYFI construction.

Does it deliver? Watch and decide for yourself if you feel this JS Industries surfboard review answers the question!

This is the JS Surfboards HYFI Blak Box 2 Surfboard Review for!

Any questions? Opinion to share? Let’s chat in the comments…

All the best,


+ See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: stay tuned…

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All the best,

Reblogged 6 years ago from


ptolemy horan says:

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Bryan Medrano says:

Do you have any idea on how you fix this boards? If you do it will be really helpfull to know. Its a great boars but also expensive to buy 😅 i would like to fix mine before i buy another one.

Sam Smith says:

I'm currently surfing a 5'10 CI sampler and a 6'2 CI Grabbit as my 'step up'.. would you recommend the BB2 or monsta box for a replacement for the sampler? Mainly used in beachys

Annie Joseph says:

I'm with James Hill he just watched your V3 rocket video and says what's up Benny!

A T says:

Keen on one of these…How long for the puddle fish review? I have come pretty close to getting one a few times in the last few weeks, but want to see someone surf one or read a good review first. Hard to relate to any other board!

Wave says:

What fins do you have on there? they look very nice


Whats the different between a black box and a monsta box hyfi?

Jon Salvador says:

another great review thanks, got a Hy FI Monsta Box and loving it, similar feel to what you described , volume and riding. if you are in the market for a lighter board that surfs tight, this is it.

Chris Bruynzeel says:

Glad to see you're back Benny! Love your reviews – – honest, funny, insightful… Love it that you are call yourself an intermediate/average Joe surfer… Makes the reviews more realistic and applicable to someone like me… Keep those videos coming! Have you tried the new puddle fish from lost? Again thanks and God bless – – Chris

Alexandre Micouleau says:

Hi I had a regular blak box 6.1 for 3 months, snapped it and got it repaired but I loved this board so much I bought a 6.0 HiFy. I put quads in it and could not agree more : Its fast, forgiving and makes me surf better (or at least think I do !!) Really a superbe board !

Craig Steven says:

I remember the roundtail black box 2 review.. I think it's possibly this biggest rap you've given a board! I think we've all heard rumours or what ever about some hyf's 12 or 18 months ago.. I know a few people who have the monster box in hyfi, it's ridiculous how much they love these boards! Good stuff benny 👍

Kahele Kok says:

Let's see some videos of your surfing then review the board you surfed on

Sloppy Onshore says:

can you do pyzel boards ?

Ant D says:

Ben back in dah house! love this tech. Best board ever, spot on regarding the backside assessment. Nice broad sweet spot. Very very fast.

Chris Sappenfield says:

How would you compare the BB2 vs a Fred Rubble which is also considered a solid all-rounder??

Marcelo A. de Araújo says:

Hi Benny, Thanks for your review. I got one of those and couldn't be happier. Great board, all around and great value for money. Cheers

Glenn Reggie says:

Hi Benny, I'm about the same size as you, but I have done approx 20 more laps around the sun than you. You mentioned that the build technology in this board still enabled it to sit in the water about the same as a PU, but does that mean it has the same buoyancy as a PU or greater? Kind regards, Reggie

ya mind if i hit that says:

do a review on the new firewire skx please

Tim Blizzard says:

so stoked you're back Benny!!!

Tabea Rothbart says:

would love to see you review the genghis, black label edition from CLAYTON the 4 channel with the plastic stringer, game changer

Sam Wells says:

was thinking about getting one of these and passed and got a lost baby buggy instead. couldn't be happier . A great review none the less and keepem coming

Gabriel Sales says:

Hey guys ! Sick board ! But be sure to check it out the new V3 Stealth from lost, so loose and snappy and a loooot of drive…

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