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Kelly Slater and Dream Crew Paddle Cortes Bank

Kelly Slater, Greg Long, Grant “Twiggy” Baker and an intrepid crew complete the first documented paddle session at the famed Cortes Bank.

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


savoir fer says:

peter mel loves himself toi much

multiwordpass says:

what is the song?? kelly 'n nathan , r sick

Felipe Soto says:

Definitely, read the book Ghost Wave and respect all of the great Watermen that have put it all out there on these waves!!! Saludos to you all and Thank You!!

Chris Dixon says:

Jason, if you read the afterward, you're realize that this is the smallest Cortes has been surfed in recent years. The boys were paddling, which is world's more difficult than towing. And they wanted a smallish day to see if it was possible. The biggest day surfed out here was roughly four times bigger. — CD

marineraman28 says:

The boat is "terrible"!

Saulo Campos says:

Huuuge bugger in Peter Mel's nose! DANM!

Joshua Mataafa-Thompson says:

@andygra111 not a surfer but read the book, awesome read.

Rafael Oliver says:

Cortez can be heavier and more dangerous than other places around the world, but in my opinion Mavericks is much more scary…

chippety pop says:

bunch of fucking losers

surfotw10 says:

What's the name of that song?

paulslacknoise says:

i wish i could surf that monster

Serapis says:

fuck tow in!

Mauro Tyler says:

This wave scares the shit out of me.. don't know which one is meanest, this one or Teahupoo..

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