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Lost Surfboards RV Review + FCS 2 Performers Fins no.40 | Compare Surfboards

The uber popular Lost Surfboards RV Review + FCS 2 Performers Fins. Maximum fun, minimum fuss in small surf; that sums up this surfboard review for the latest in the ‘Domesticated Series’ from Lost Surfboards, the R.V.

Matt Biolos set out to make a board that would ride comfortably – almost luxuriously – in the smallest of the small conditions while still maintaining a performance edge.

Amongst groveler style boards, the Lost RV can handle a slightly larger, steeper face but still eats tiny, flat faced waves.

This is the Lost Surfboards RV review.



+ See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More:

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Reblogged 6 years ago from


lestliness says:

Such a great board, I moved onto the puddle jumper last year from the RV and it's cool too but I think I'm going to pick up another RV. The RV Tail for being so wide just wants to cut into the wave and turns so much quicker than the PJ.

ronald roodhart says:

Hi . one question. Witch board is peddels faster the V3 33,7 ltr or the shortround 34 ltr.
Thanks and keep up the good work!!!!!

Matt Duncan says:

have loved the shape but my RV is so so soft, every time i take it out i pretty much gets some ding or something, i have taken it into the shop for fix so many times.

6 years before this i have only ever had to taken a board into the shop once .

Anyone else have this problem ???

Yannick Schnell says:

And Benny what for degreese have the FCS 2 Fin Plugs at the board in the Video ⬆️⬆️??

Yannick Schnell says:

Hi, i am from Germany and i want to build a Shortborad with a Quads FCS 2 System and im not sure which degrees i take at the Fronde and rear fins (9,5,3 degrees what ist the best Setup) ?? ✌🏻🏄🏄🏄

Matt Duncan says:

Hey Team ( or anyone else)
Just got the RV, liking it – just a bit of a curiosity question here.

my first ride i found it to be so incredibly responsive, little pressure on that back foot and this thing just pivots! and carves real tight (I thought it would be opposite considering its thicker/wider than my last board – which was The Pod, if anyone interested)

do we think this is characteristics of this board/model ? or could it be because i'm riding it with quads ?

(not that it's a bad thing at all, its good – I was just surprised is all)

Luke Hernandez says:

What would you say tail and nose rocker are in these boards over average? Thanks

mje says:

Hi Benny, hoping you could provide some advice between the Lost Puddle jumper, RV and Lazy Boy. I'm after a summer small wave board for mushy days. for normal Sydney summer waves, for an intermediate surfer, i'm after a cruisy fun board as opposed to high performance, though still want to be able to turn it… any thoughts on the best board out of the RV, Puddle jumper or lazy boy?

James Rock says:

So I just picked one of these up 2 weeks ago. I'm 5'11", 145lbs. The dimensions of the board are as follows: L: 5'4', W: 20.25'', T: 2.32" V: 28.2. This is actually my first shortboard and so far I haven't had much luck with it. I've been riding waist to head high. Do you think I got talked into getting a board that's too small?

Sid Attam says:

What would you recommend for a beginner-intermediate-average surfer, The Lost RV, Average Joe, Lost Beanbag, or the couch potato looking for grovel board for the summer, good volume, not many maneuvers.

Shaka says:

How does this board differ/compare to the Bing Bulb? Thanks!

70tony1970 says:

Cover all bases with your reviews. Thanks. Have you tried the RV Stretch? If you have, what are the differences/benefits. How would you compare these to the EZ up. I have recently tried a Hypto Krypto and didn't mind it though am used to and think something with more surface area would suit me and my ability so am researching a few boards such as the lost grovellers and FW Dominator. Also, how do you find duck diving with the Lost RV. Cheers

Qais ' Zix says:

I have one of these with Hydroflex glassing and I'm really impressed !

Peter Fitzsimmons says:

I'm a young, 5'5, 130 lbs. I've been surfing on a 6'4 Lost Shark and was just wondering which board the RV,Bottom Feeder, or one of the new Bean Bag boards would be best for me. Also I live in NJ and the waves here are typically crummy but on average are 2-4 ft. Thanks!

Christian Wafer says:

Hi Benny, Love the reviews. I know you can't review all the boards in the world but is there a chance on reviewing the VonSol Flying Manta? 

Cheers keep up the great work!

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