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Watch how crazy and big Mavericks can be!

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Kellie Nicole Brooks Schettino says:

Hey I was just joking,it is megadeath…hah hah hah hah

Kellie Nicole Brooks Schettino says:

Oh my god brah I love megadeath,and metalica does that stuff go any loud rock on brother,oh wait yeah got Pantera,oh yeah long live death metal,long live mustane and distane echo and reverb turn up the radio I wanna hear it got to give me some more,not all of like Mozart while were watch monsters crash on MAVS….to scary for mortal man,marching like a robot swaying to the symphony of destru…sorry I got off track what were talking about again….sway to the symphony of destruction.thanks love the music I'm 54 and a little mosh pit is good for u once in while…piece out…love the music I give it a 52 it a little hard to dance to but catchy…shucks Mr Clark….ur the greatest.just day no to Barry manillo.

Dick Berry says:

That’s a heavy wipe out 1:14

ulrik reimann says:

I only stayed here for the cool guitar solos… NOT!

A Panini says:

1:10 took a monster lip right to the balls. Damn I bet that hurt

ProfabDesigns Inc. says:

I agree 100% about the shit tunes…why every idiot has to play some kind of crap in their vids??

el mar says:

finally a proper soundtrack. And save the other bitchy soft shit for beach breaks…

Larry Slemp says:

Awesome man!!

Dylan Wolf says:

since when is getting barreled at mavericks thing holy smokes!

Dave says:

the story I read was way back in the day (not sure date) 3 guys would stand on the cliff and watch Mavericks, but not having the balls to try it. Finally one of them did……..and rode Mavericks by himself for 15 years.

KrotowX says:

Spectators got wiped out as well together with tents and podiums 😛

smokysantana says:

Great footage but really LOUSY noise!

SirQL8 says:

Who's that at :42 ?… I've never seen a better ride at Mav's.

Lyndon Reddick says:

Looks like Waimea on some- killer guitar soundtrack.

Fardin Mahzoob says:

Great video!

dylans voice says:

this is fuckin saweeeet !!!

toneroable says:

U gonna have big balls……do U ?

1mollylee says:

00:38 Rick Clarkston

Suburban Conan says:

This clip has been put in the comedy category by the brainiacs at YouTube….
What's fucken funny about almost drowning every 8 or 9 minutes?????
Nice soundtrack champ….got the juices flowing…..

Márcio Lívio says:

Power waves.

Dave E. says:

Hard to call someone dropping in on a 50ft wave a kook, but when you run over a guy taking off on the same 50ft wave, well maybe then.. But then again he was inside. That'll show the guy snaking his wave!

Misty Tucker says:

Who fucken cares about the fucken soundtrack !bad ass footage .

Shaun Gabril says:

VERY hard to believe this is in California. I surfed the lower 1/2 of that state for 12 years and a 15' wave is the largest thing I ever saw

Sinjinbin 64 says:

2:00 Kook fest

Eddie Hoppe says:

Do away with the dumb ass music already. Like to hear the wave


I usually don't like music in surf videos, I'm not a huge fan of Metal but damn I gotta say it's very satisfying here : )

troy davey says:

sick soundtrack!

Motto Panukeiku says:

Jeez- 0.38- what an absolute rock-star ride. I can only imagine the guts and skill it took to ride that through to the end. No choice I guess once you are in it.

Playzada Eman says:

Best wave (2:04)
… I hope no one has hurt

Shan Timothy says:

Love the Spinal Tap guitar music.

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