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Mikala Jones | Location Redacted

Where we are going is nowhere near Uluwatu, but that is about all that I know. Jones has more secrets than the NSA, and zero tolerance for whistleblowers. I don’t bother asking many questions, which is probably for the best, since I get only pointedly obtuse responses anyway. “Don’t worry about it,” he says when I prod him about the wave we’re headed to. “Just pack your paddle vest and make sure we have enough food for a week. And try to get some sleep; we’ll be traveling all night.” In Jones’ world, there is no such thing as full disclosure.


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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Jorge Arana says:

Whats the first song ? ! help

Julian Groom says:

wow some awesome tuberiding among some sick waves

adventuresinbelieving says:

that's Poojabies, surfed it regularly in the 80s (island of Santosha)

Loreot says:

Please, i need that last song!

Sleeping Lion says:

My favorite surf video ever

John paul says:

What's the song I like it!

BLouresproductions says:

so awesome!

Paulo Cesar Daux Filho says:

Great surfer. Wasnt in this trip that he hurt himself?

John Mason says:

that is the sickest indo video ive seen in a while! epic

AuAsurferAuA says:

finally a good surfing vid in a long time

Nicolás Andrés Valenzuela Espínola says:

insightful stepping over heart

Nicolás Andrés Valenzuela Espínola says:

insightful stepping over heart

adam bamf says:

whats the music at the start

Domi L says:

oulala lala !!!

malia says:

This makes me so at ease but at the same time makes me so excited. Their cutbacks and snaps off the lip are so strong it's so cool to see

Aint1S says:

Perfect ending… straight Nirvana at the end.

Alexandre Fideles says:

que paraiso e este irmã………….

Thom Buckley Cobain says:

music please???

scarypotter777 says:

iconic video. the music matches his style so well.

Charley Smith says:

some of the best vids goin round, nice work


Jones' are the best…youngest brother sold me a board…made my trip unbelievable…mahalo

magentawave says:

Whoa! One of the best surf videos I've seen in a long time.

Alice Riobueno says:

that ending… pufff

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