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Million Dollar Beach House Destroyed by Massive Wave #shorts #scary


@phillipharrisa.k.aharristh5919 says:

Not real it’s fake

@atLaNtAwOlf says:

Come on, the house isn't destroyed. ☠️

@MaxTooney says:

Judging by the "Cowabunga, Dude!" reaction, surfer guy DEFINITELY must be just a renter.

@kevinagnone7721 says:

There is metal shutters and stuff to print water from getting in and breaking idea who

@9-o.Nin0 says:


@pedromorais6882 says:

You think you trolled us with the clickbait… But in a few years "wave actually destroys those douches house this time". 💀👌

@dubaiboy101 says:

Imagine having 3+million subscribers and still making click Bait videos… pathetic.

@artisticanna5275 says:

Getting your porch wet isn’t the same as getting your house destroyed

@Letmekissya says:

wow so much destroyed, that phone even survived

@ilovespaceuwu says:

Its really unfortunate that u can't see the dislike count.

@SEIZURE6969 says:

rouge wave: suprize mf

@jamest3336 says:

Wtf do you expect

@rossanafontemurato3131 says:

I telefoni sono andati😂😂😂😂

@rossanafontemurato3131 says:

Che ficoooooo!!!!😊❤

@EZPZBudz says:

Thats destroyed ? Lmfao. Snowflakes

@elizavetavinokurova7624 says:

reported for misleading

@michaelfontaine8231 says:

I can't believe that happened.

@82ottoYT says:


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