Most viewed Biggest Wave surfed on earth 2022 Nazare

#shorts #bigwave #surf #portugal #Nazare #BestofKarma #world record #2022 #most viewed
Clip from Global Zoo

Reblogged 2 years ago from


Meredith Benjamin says:

It's amazing how someone can ride a wave on a surfboard. And not even fall off… sometimes.

Carmen Frankco says:

Spectacular, WOW.

Kevin Barry says:

Looks like when my sister jumped in the pool

Rodrigo Luz da Silva says:


Refiner Similitude says:

Watch the movie "Riding Giants"

LeeAnn Witt says:


Henry Green says:

Super entretaining

Юлия Меньшова says:

Аеееееееё моя стихия

markuz bon says:

That is a WAWE

Vitor Batista says:

Waves like that due to a five kilometres deep canyon in the sea bed,it's generates a big amount of power and due to that it becomes a massive wave.

B says:

Big wave surfers are some of the bravest ppl in the world

Bofetada says:

How fast do you think they go at their peek speed down a big wave

Matthew Neumann says:

Well no going back now aqua man amazing g

Ramy G says:

Tsunami waves

David says:

Holy catfish that’s outstanding

Surf VVS says:

It looked small in the beginning but then it turned into something massive

Jason says:

Bigger has been surfed this year and years prior.

Steve Jackson says:

Yeah, that was insane!

SmokingJoeFrazier says:


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