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[ Mr One ] Surfers Killed in Their Last Waves Caught on Camera

[ Mr One ]
Sion Milosky, Kirk Passmore, Mark Foo
Waves that ended in tragedy / Final rides caught on camera

Sion Milosky – Mavericks
He was a father of two and a dedicated big wave surfer. In 2010, he won an award for catching the biggest wave ever paddled into. In March of 2011, Sion Milosky drowned while surfing Mavericks in Half Moon Bay, Carlifornia

Kirk Passmore – Alligator Rock
Less than two days after Kirk Passmore went missing after a wipeout in large surf Wednesday on Oahu’s North Shore, his father expressed a wish that his son’s final ride be shared with as many people as possible.

Mark Foo – Mavericks
Chinese-born Mark Foo. In 1994, two days before Christmas, 36 year old Mark Foo drowned while surfing Mavericks a deadly big wave surf spot in Half Moon Bay outside of San Francisco.

Fatalities are extremely rare in big-wave surfing, despite the raw power of enormous swells generated by faraway storms. That’s because surfers, by and large, are a close-knit group and watch out for one another.

It’s also because most of them train vigorously to be able to withstand being held under for long periods, and because water patrol staff on personal watercraft are almost always on vigil during these large-surf events.

(There have been great strides in water safety on the North Shore since Todd Chesser, a famous surfer, died at Alligator Rock in 1997.)

Additionally, most surfers have come to realize the importance of floatation vests, which help them attain the surface faster after a wipeout, and keep their heads upright.

In a big wave wipeout, a breaking wave can push surfers down 20 to 50 feet (6.2 m to 15.5 m) below the surface. Once they stop spinning around, they have to quickly regain their equilibrium and figure out which way is up. Surfers may have less than 20 seconds to get to the surface before the next wave hits them. Additionally, the water pressure at a depth of 20–50 feet can be strong enough to rupture one’s eardrums. Strong currents and water action at those depths can also slam a surfer into a reef or the ocean floor, which can result in severe injuries or even death.[6]

One of the greatest dangers is the risk of being held underwater by two or more consecutive waves. Surviving a triple hold-down is extremely difficult and surfers must be prepared to cope with these situations. Training styles vary such as D.Sloane weight drag/ free reef grab and pressure jet drag.[5]

A major issue argued between big wave surfers is the necessity of the leash on the surfboard. In many instances, the leash can do more harm than good to a surfer, catching and holding them underwater and diminishing their opportunities to fight towards the surface. Other surfers, however, depend on the leash. Now, tow in surfboards use foot holds (like those found on windsurfs) rather than leashes to provide some security to the surfer.[5]

These hazards have killed several big-wave surfers. Some of the most notable are Mark Foo, who died surfing Mavericks on December 23, 1994; Donnie Solomon, who died exactly a year later at Waimea Bay; Todd Chesser who died at Alligator Rock on the North Shore of Oahu on February 14, 1997; Malik Joyeux who died surfing Pipeline on Oahu on December 2, 2005; Peter Davi who died at Ghost Trees on December 4, 2007, Sion Milosky who died surfing Mavericks on March 16, 2011, and Kirk Passmore who died at Alligator Rock on November 12, 2014

Reblogged 6 years ago from


Tomohawk Ravenmoon says:

surfs up dude, c'mon grab a wave maaan, to bad these stupid fucks left thier intelligence home…fish-food now.

mabb says:

It is my first year surfing can someone explain me (with respect) how they die in these waves? They drown or its the weight of the wave thatt break you?? Thanks


I've wiped out in head high and was kinda scared…this is insane

Jayson Franswa says:

Mark foo landed horribly 🙁 RIP. Biggest I surfed is 6 to 8 foot. Couldn't imagine surfing anything bigger, but I can understand why they do it. Pure Adrenalin, even more than riding a gsxr 600.

Gary Stewart says:

What’s the song playing?

Serita Weddington says:


Anonymous 101 says:

RIP to all these brave young men and women.

Richard-Anthony Gilbey says:

Rip surfer heros.
Looked like Foo lost the tail slightly then instantly into a huge bellyflop which Sometimes stops you taking a big breath.
I dont think Passmore was set he looked very wide on the stance didnt seemed to read the surface V's and then pitched hard. Protective headgear might have saved Passmore.
And the first guy milosky. He was along way off shore but he should have survived. Even pinned down to the sand he could have pinged up into the next wave after the hydralic gives in. Maybe he just got sent too deep.

I'm Tyrone says:

I always wondered why there aren't more deaths.. Some of those waves are monsters

Julia Tanno says:

They are all in their 30s.

Brandon Erickson says:

Song please?

Willem says:

In my opinion, once you have children it's time to stop jeopardizing your life. Your little ones don't care if you caught that 50 ft wave, they care for the bedtime stories their father reads to them before going to bed, teaching them how to ride a bicycle etc. Sure, I understand it's work for the pros and they're passionate about it but no money can replace the time you have with your children on this earth.

George Neatherly says:

0:55 wtf is that

Rob Aldridge says:

If you surf or have surfed much of your life you might get a feeling for why he made this

JohnBelz says:

It's a rather stupid "sport." Suicidal.

Kanube says:

Salty idiots in comment section, gotta love it

Hirozen Sarutobi says:

Someone says this is a tribute? Do u know whats a tribute? Tribute is a film that is making him a superstar.. This is not a tribute this is their last surf.. Thanks for sharing

Mr sparten says:

poor people..why did you upload surfers getting killed by a wave

thats fucked up man…

Robert Allen says:

..nice tribute to these totally amazing surfers..thank you!

Something Seems Off says:

…. you made a video of their deaths?? not 100% sure where i stand on this.

Keenan May says:

What the fuck is wrong with you

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